我安裝了以下軟件: Centos 6.7下的Graphite,Carbon,Whisper:0.9.15,Django:1.5,Python:2.6.6。 成功啓動Httpd後,文件中出現同樣的錯誤:error.log。 爲什麼以及如何修復它,我感謝您的幫助。SyntaxError:安裝石墨時的語法無效
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] warn('SECRET_KEY is set to an unsafe default. This should be set in local_settings.py for better security')
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] mod_wsgi (pid=2761): Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/opt/graphite/conf/graphite.wsgi'.
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] Traceback (most recent call last):
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/wsgi.py", line 255, in call
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] response = self.get_response(request)
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 178, in get_response
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] response = self.handle_uncaught_exception(request, resolver, sys.exc_info())
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 220, in handle_uncaught_exception
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] if resolver.urlconf_module is None:
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/urlresolvers.py", line 342, in urlconf_module
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] self.urlconf_module = import_module(self.urlconf_name)
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/utils/importlib.py", line 35, in import_module
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] __import_(name)
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] File "/opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/urls.py", line 32, in
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] client ::1,
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/conf/urls/init.py", line 25, in include
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] urlconf_module = import_module(urlconf_module)
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/utils/importlib.py", line 35, in import_module
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] import(name)
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] File "/opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/render/urls.py", line 16, in
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] from . import views
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] File "/opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/render/views.py", line 32, in
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] from graphite.remote_storage import connector_class_selector
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] File "/opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/remote_storage.py", line 168
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] for series in unpickle.loads(pickled_response)
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1]^
[Tue Sep 27 16:08:38 2016] [error] [client ::1] SyntaxError: invalid syntax