經過大量工作後,我發現任何使用視網膜顯示或類似需求的東西都會不同於標準地處理所有內容(邊距,填充,寬度,高度,字體大小等)。 由於視網膜的性質,它是非常簡單的修復(雖然它是單調的)。因爲我用無禮的話(和引導),我只是創造了這樣混入的負載:
@import "../../global/variables";
@import "structure";
@mixin make-font($size) {
font-size: 1 * $size;
@include iphone-portrait {
font-size: 2 * $size;
@mixin header-font {
@include make-font($h1);
@mixin lead-font {
@include make-font($lead);
@mixin default-font {
@include make-font($p);
@mixin small-font {
@include make-font($small);
@mixin font-size($size) {
@include make-font($size);
,你可以看到,當我提出的字體我處理iphone不同的(我的兩倍大小)。 爲iphone畫像我從http://stephen.io/mediaqueries/得到並適用於我的混入,所以它看起來是這樣的:
@mixin iphone-portrait {
@media only screen and (min-device-width : 414px) and (max-device-width : 736px) and (orientation : portrait) {
@media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 568px) and (orientation : portrait) {
@media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) and (orientation : portrait) {
我可以不斷加入媒體查詢過它,所以應該更容易。 現在,這隻適用於字體。對於其他事情,我創建了類似的mixin。例如,對於導航欄我創造了這個青菜:
.navbar-default {
@include make-navbar;
@include lead-font;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
background-color: $white-sky;
color: $midnight-blue;
margin: 0;
border: 0;
z-index: 1;
box-shadow: none;
border-radius: 0;
@include iphone-portrait {
@include make-navbar(2);
@mixin make-navbar($multiplyer: 1) {
height: $multiplyer * $header-height;
min-height: $multiplyer * $header-height;
.navbar-brand {
margin: 0 $multiplyer * $navbar-brand-margin-left;
padding: $multiplyer * $navbar-brand-padding;
height: $multiplyer * $header-height;
> img {
max-height: $multiplyer * ($header-height - (2 * $navbar-brand-padding));
.navbar-header {
max-height: $multiplyer * $header-height;
.btn-link {
margin: 0;
max-height: $multiplyer * $header-height;
padding-left: $multiplyer * $button-left-padding;
.icon {
margin-top: -$multiplyer * (2 * $button-top-padding);
height: $multiplyer * ($header-height - (2 * $button-top-padding));
> svg {
height: $multiplyer * ($header-height - (2 * $button-top-padding));
width: $multiplyer * ($header-height - (2 * $button-top-padding));
.navbar-toggle {
padding: ($multiplyer * $navbar-toggle-padding-top) ($multiplyer * $navbar-toggle-padding-left);
.fa {
font-size: $multiplyer * 14px;
.navbar-nav {
margin: ($multiplyer * $navbar-nav-toggle-margin-top) auto ($multiplyer * $navbar-nav-toggle-margin-bottom);
> li > a {
padding: ($multiplyer * $navbar-nav-list-item-padding-top) ($multiplyer * $navbar-nav-list-item-padding-left);
line-height: $multiplyer * $navbar-nav-list-item-line-height;
.open .dropdown-menu > li > a {
padding: ($multiplyer * $navbar-nav-dropdown-list-item-padding-top) ($multiplyer * $navbar-nav-dropdown-list-item-padding-right) ($multiplyer * $navbar-nav-dropdown-list-item-padding-bottom) ($multiplyer * $navbar-nav-dropdown-list-item-padding-left);
@mixin navbar-sub-height($height, $multiplyer: 1) {
max-height: calc(100vh - #{ $multiplyer * $height });
max-height: -o-calc(100vh - #{ $multiplyer * $height }); /* opera */
max-height: -webkit-calc(100vh - #{ $multiplyer * $height }); /* google, safari */
max-height: -moz-calc(100vh - #{ $multiplyer * $height }); /* firefox */
正如你可以用這個看到,我使用的是$ multiplyer這默認情況下1。所以,當我調用混入@include化妝導航欄它使用正常大小,但對於iphone媒體查詢我通過2這樣的:
$include make-navbar(2)
我已經測試過了,它可以很好地工作。很明顯,使用這種方法我可以使用mixins(我可以通過1.2或$ multiplyer的任何值)。
查看CSS單元:https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_units.asp尤其是'vw'和'vh' ... –