我正在寫一個程序來擾亂用戶輸入的短語。我大部分都是編碼的,但是我想將用戶輸入的短語的字符串存儲到數組中,並將短語的每個單詞存儲爲一個單獨的元素。 這似乎是一件簡單的事情,但我無法想出一個辦法。有人能幫我嗎?C#如何將用戶輸入的短語存儲到字符串數組中?
static void Main(string[] args)
bool success = false;
string phrase = "";
string [] phraseArray;
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Word Scrambler!\n\n");
Console.WriteLine("Enter a phrase between 10 and 60 character long:\n\t");
phrase = Console.ReadLine();
if (phrase.Length - 1 <= 10 || phrase.Length - 1 >= 60)
Console.WriteLine("You must enter a phrase with a length between 10 and 60!");
success = false;
phraseArray = new string[phrase.Length - 1];
// String (phrase) into string [] phraseArray ?
Console.WriteLine("See below for your scrambled phrase:");
for (int i = 0; i < phrase.Length - 1; i++)
Console.Write("{0} ", phraseArray[i]);
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to scramble another word or the 'Esc' key to exit...");
if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)
success = false;
} while (!success);`
使用string.Split()。 –
第一次:成功=假;您需要添加一箇中斷來停止運行代碼的其餘部分。 –