我有一個IDBlue RFID閱讀器(IDBLUE-HF-70F3)me.I也下載了示例Android應用程序使用他們的SDK。 http://idblue.com/support/drivers-software.I可能會將我的手機與讀卡器配對,而我的辦公室ID卡中含有RFID,所以即時嘗試的是我想使用此IDBLUE讀卡器從我的身份證獲取一些詳細信息。但它顯示讀取失敗。ID藍色RFID閱讀器爲Android
public class AndroidTestAppActivity extends ListActivity implements ISessionHandler
private static final RfidTag blankRfidTag = RfidTag.fromString("0000000000000000", Endianness.Msb);
private static final String blockData_Ascii = "Data";
private static final String blockData_Hex = "FF01CB99";
private static final String READ_TAG_ID_MODE = "Read Tag ID";
private static final String WRITE_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCKS_MODE = "Write/Read Multiple Blocks";
private static final String WRITE_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK_MODE = "Write/Read Single Block";
private static String mode = READ_TAG_ID_MODE;
private static Boolean isHF = false;
public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item)
mode = (String) item.getTitle();
return super.onContextItemSelected(item);
public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo)
menu.setHeaderTitle("Select Test Mode:");
super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo);
* ResponseProcessor illustrates how to handle RFID tag id responses from IDBLUE.
class ResponseProcessor extends IDBlueProcessor
public void getRfidProtocolResponse(IDBlueCommand command,
RfidProtocolProperty response)
if(response.value() != RfidProtocol.EPC_GEN2)
isHF = true;
public void buttonPressResponse(IDBlueResponse response)
if (!sdk().beginCommands().successful())
if(mode == READ_TAG_ID_MODE)
CByteArray blockData = CByteArray.createFromAsciiString(blockData_Ascii);
if(!sdk().writeBlock(blankRfidTag, (short) 0,
if(!sdk().writeBlocks(blankRfidTag, (short) 0, (short) 2,
new CByteArray(blockData_Hex + blockData_Hex)).successful())
private void OnFailure(String mode)
setStatus(mode + " Failed");
private void OnSuccess(String mode, String details)
String status = mode + " Succeeded";
if(details.length() > 0)
status = status + ('\n' + details);
public void readBlockResponse(IDBlueCommand command, ReadBlockResponse response)
if(response.blockIndex() != 0 ||
!Arrays.equals(response.blockData().data(), CByteArray.createFromAsciiString(blockData_Ascii).data()))
public void readBlockFailed(IDBlueCommand command, NackResponse response)
public void readBlocksResponse(IDBlueCommand command, ReadBlocksResponse response)
if(response.blockIndex() != 0 || response.blockCount() != 2 ||
!Arrays.equals(response.blockData().data(), new CByteArray(blockData_Hex + blockData_Hex).data()))
public void readBlocksFailed(IDBlueCommand command, NackResponse response)
* Callback method that is called when an RFID tag was successfully read by IDBLUE.
* If a request was sent to IDBLUE to read the tag, then the response is said
* to be synchronous. If however, the front button of IDBLUE is pressed, IDBLUE
* will send the tag id asynchronously (or async for short).
public void readTagIdResponse(IDBlueCommand command, ReadTagIdResponse response)
// response.async() indicates whether the tag scan resulted from
// a button press of IDBLUE (async), or from a call to readTagId (sync).
String async = response.async() ? "Async Tag ID" : "Sync Tag ID";
RfidTag tag = response.rfidTag();
IDBlueTimestamp scanTime = response.timestamp();
String tagId = tag.toString();
String ts = scanTime.toString();
OnSuccess(READ_TAG_ID_MODE, String.format("%s: %s, Timestamp: %s.", async, tagId, ts));
* Callback method that is called when IDBLUE cannot find an RFID tag is response
* to a synchronous read tag id request. readTagIdFailed will never be called
* asynchronously since IDBLUE does not notify of asynchronous tag scan failures.
public void readTagIdFailed(IDBlueCommand command, NackResponse response)
{ if(command!=null) {
Log.e("readTagIdFailed", ""+command.message());
Log.e("readTagIdFailed", ""+command.name);
Log.e("readTagIdFailed", ""+command.toStringReversed());
Log.e("readTagIdFailed", ""+ String.valueOf(command.info()));
Log.e("readTagIdFailed", ""+ String.valueOf(command.status()));
Log.e("readTagIdFailed", ""+String.valueOf(command.successful()));
}else {
Log.e("command null","command null");
if(response!=null) {
Log.e("readTagIdFailed", ""+ String.valueOf(response.successful()));
Log.e("readTagIdFailed", ""+ String.valueOf(response.failedCommand()));
Log.e("readTagIdFailed", ""+ String.valueOf(response.info()));
Log.e("readTagIdFailed", ""+String.valueOf(response.infoLen()));
Log.e("readTagIdFailed", ""+ String.valueOf(response.message()));
Log.e("response null","response null");
public void writeBlockResponse(IDBlueCommand command, WriteBlockResponse response)
if(response.blockIndex() != 0 ||
!sdk().readBlock(blankRfidTag, (short) 0).successful())
public void writeBlockFailed(IDBlueCommand command, NackResponse response)
public void writeBlocksResponse(IDBlueCommand command, WriteBlocksResponse response)
if(response.blockIndex() != 0 || response.blockCount() != 2 ||
!sdk().readBlocks(blankRfidTag, (short) 0, (short) 2).successful())
public void writeBlocksFailed(IDBlueCommand command, NackResponse response)
* Updates the status label
* @param status The test to assign to the status label
private void setStatus(String status) {
// Display data/text of the item/row clicked
Toast.makeText(this, status, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
BluetoothDevice[] devices = this.getPairedDevices();
ArrayAdapter<BluetoothDevice> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<BluetoothDevice>(this,android.R.layout.simple_list_item_single_choice,devices);
// Get the activity's ListView and set its choice mode as single choice
// Set the current TestAppActivity to listen for session events
// Hook up an async response processor, to process tag scans
// from IDBLUE as a result of the front button being pressed.
// If you register a response handler, it will also receive
// synchronous responses. Be careful that you don't process
// the same response multiple times. In this example, we'll
// specify ASYNC_ONLY so that the TagIdProcessor registered
// with addResponseHandler is listens for asynchronous responses,
// and ignores synchronous responses.
sdk().addResponseHandler(new ResponseProcessor());
protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {
super.onListItemClick(l, v, position, id);
// Get the data associated with selected item
Object item = l.getItemAtPosition(position);
// Display data/text of the item/row clicked
setStatus("Selection: " + item.toString());
BluetoothDevice device = (BluetoothDevice) item;
Log.e("IDBLUE","onListItemClick: " +open(device));
* Get the instance of the IDBlueSdk that is used to communicate
* with IDBLUE devices.
* @return The one and only instance of IDBlueSdk
private IDBlueSdk sdk() {
return IDBlueSdk.getInstance();
* Gets the list of all Bluetooth Devices that are paired with
* the Android OS (via the Bluetooth Settings of the Android Device).
* @return An array of Bluetooth Devices that are paired with the Android Device
private BluetoothDevice[] getPairedDevices() {
return sdk().getPairedDevices();
* Get the IDBLUE device that's selected in the List View
* @return The BluetoothDevice that's selected, null if no
* deivce is selected
private BluetoothDevice selectedIDBlueDevice() {
ListView list = this.getListView();
View row;
BluetoothDevice device;
int count = list.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
row = (View)list.getChildAt(i);
Object obj = row.getTag();
if (obj instanceof BluetoothDevice) {
device = (BluetoothDevice)obj;
return device;
return null;
* Open a session to the selected IDBLUE device
* @return true if the session was opened, false otherwise
private boolean open() {
return open(selectedIDBlueDevice());
* Open a session to the given IDBLUE device
* @return true if the session was opened, false otherwise
private boolean open(BluetoothDevice device) {
return sdk().open(device);
* Close the current session to IDBLUE
* @return True if the session was closed, false otherwise
private boolean close() {
return sdk().close();
* Requests IDBLUE to scan for an RFID tag.
* A few seconds later, IDBLUE will notify you of the results of the
* tag scan via the readTagIdResponse, or the readTagIdFailed methods
* of the registered TagIdProcessor
* @return a SendStatus indicating whether the request was sent to IDBLUE
private SendStatus readTagId() {
return sdk().readTagId();
* Requests IDBLUE to scan for an RFID tag.
* A few seconds later, IDBLUE will notify you of the results of the
* tag scan via the readTagIdResponse, or the readTagIdFailed methods
* of the registered TagIdProcessor
* @param processor An IDBlueProcessor object that will be notified of
* once the RFID read tag id operation completes
* @return a SendStatus indicating whether the request was sent to IDBLUE
private SendStatus readTagId(IDBlueProcessor processor) {
return sdk().readTagId(processor);
* onSessionCloseFailed is a method of ISessionHandler
* that is called when closing of a session to an IDBLUE device fails.
public void onSessionCloseFailed(IDBlueSession session) {
* onSessionClosed is a method of ISessionHandler
* that is called when a session to an IDBLUE device is closed.
public void onSessionClosed(IDBlueSession session) {
System.out.println("IDBLUE session closed");
* onSessionClosing is a method of ISessionHandler
* that is called when a session to an IDBLUE device is closing.
public void onSessionClosing(IDBlueSession session) {
* onSessionOpenFailed is a method of ISessionHandler
* that is called when opening of a session to an IDBLUE device fails.
public void onSessionOpenFailed(IDBlueSession session) {
* onSessionOpenFailed is a method of ISessionHandler
* that is called when a session to an IDBLUE device is opened successfully.
public void onSessionOpened(IDBlueSession session) {
System.out.println(String.format("Session to %s is now open", sdk().device().Name));
isHF = false;
* onSessionOpening is a method of ISessionHandler
* that is called when a session to an IDBLUE device is opening.
public void onSessionOpening(IDBlueSession session) {
04-02 13:13:37.268 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Received 1 bytes: 70
04-02 13:13:37.274 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Received 7 bytes: 000070ff0000ff
04-02 13:13:37.274 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Processed response: 70000070
04-02 13:13:37.275 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Processed response: ff0000ff
04-02 13:13:37.275 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Sent 80 command (80000080)
04-02 13:13:37.276 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Sent 01 command (01000001)
04-02 13:13:37.392 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Received 4 bytes: 80000080
04-02 13:13:37.392 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Processed response: 80000080
04-02 13:13:41.537 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Received 5 bytes: 1f00080104
04-02 13:13:41.544 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Received 7 bytes: 2c010100023a06
04-02 13:13:41.545 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Processed response: 1f000801042c010100023a06
04-02 13:13:41.546 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue E/readTagIdFailed﹕ null
04-02 13:13:41.546 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue E/readTagIdFailed﹕ Read Tag ID
04-02 13:13:41.546 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue E/readTagIdFailed﹕ 01000001
04-02 13:13:41.546 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue E/readTagIdFailed﹕ null
04-02 13:13:41.546 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue E/readTagIdFailed﹕ 0
04-02 13:13:41.546 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue E/readTagIdFailed﹕ true
04-02 13:13:41.547 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue E/********************************﹕ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
04-02 13:13:41.547 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue E/readTagIdFailed﹕ false
04-02 13:13:41.549 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue E/readTagIdFailed﹕ 1
04-02 13:13:41.550 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue E/readTagIdFailed﹕ 2c010100023a
04-02 13:13:41.550 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue E/readTagIdFailed﹕ 6
04-02 13:13:41.550 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue E/readTagIdFailed﹕ null
04-02 13:13:41.556 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Sent 88 command (8800010089)
04-02 13:13:41.933 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Received 4 bytes: 88000088
04-02 13:13:41.934 2087-2087/coders.com.idblue I/System.out﹕ TRACE: Processed response: 88000088
我認爲你是正確的標籤不支持讀者。我可以閱讀idblue閱讀器附帶的標籤 – playmaker420 2015-04-03 10:26:01