2012-11-01 81 views

我試圖重寫clearTimeout功能,在除了IE以外的瀏覽器上運行完全正常(在IE8測試)爲什麼在IE8上b/w window.clearTimeout和clearTimeout有什麼不同?

clearTimeout = function(){}; 


Object doesn't support this action 


window.clearTimeout = function(){}; 




爲什麼你重寫默認行爲? –


我正在寫QUnit測試用例,其中我試圖跟蹤clearTimeout是否被調用,或者沒有使用特定參數。 – hariom


窗口對象是一個主機對象,clearTimeout是一個主機方法。他們不必遵守ECMA-262,並且可以做他們喜歡(幾乎)的事情。 – RobG



In IE, initially, the property setTimeout exists on the prototype of window, not on window itself. So, when you ask for window.setTimeout, it actually traverses one step on the prototype chain to resolve the reference. Similarly, when you ask for setTimeout, it traverses down the scope chain, then to window, then down the prototype chain to resolve the reference.

I suspect that IE has a built-in optimization where it automatically caches the resolution of implied globals that are discovered all the way down on the prototype of the global object. It would have good reason to do so, as these are commonly requested references, and traversing that chain is costly. However, it must be setting this reference as read-only, since it's just a caching optimization. This has the unfortunate side-effect of causing an exception to be thrown when attempting to assign to the reference by using it as an lvalue.



我有一個快速嘗試在IE8中設置window.constructor.prototype.setTimeout,但似乎並沒有做任何事情 - 可能是因爲窗口是DispHTMLWindow2類型的本機對象。 – robocat
