2013-07-24 39 views


我會盡我所能地儘可能清楚地解釋問題 - 因爲這是我的第一個與深度優先搜索有關的問題,可能是我錯過了一些明顯的東西。


def solvePuzzle(puzzle): 
    <while the puzzle is still not solved>: 
     <make a copy of the puzzle> 
     <go through each unsolved box>: 
      <try to find the value of the box> 
      <if the current solution is impossible, return to the parent branch> 
     <if the copy of the puzzle is exactly the same as the puzzle now, no changes have been made, so its time to start branching into different possibilities>:  
      <pick a random box to guess the number of> 
      <go through each possible value and run solvePuzzle() on that puzzle>: 
       <if a solution is returned, return it> 
       <else, try the next possible value> 
    <return the puzzle> 

這是因爲砍掉,因爲我可以把它 - 對不起,如果它仍然是一個有點的閱讀/困惑。


Here's the full code(只有大約50行代碼),以防萬一不夠清楚。



編輯:As promised, here's the "isSolved()" method.


爲什麼不在'xrange(9)'中循環'i'和'j',而不是在'xrange(81)'中循環'i'? (當然,把你當前的'j'重命名爲'k')。 – user2357112


我想這樣看起來有點混亂,但它仍然有效。如果它有助於回答我的問題,我可以編寫一個快速版本,爲您使用您的建議? – Cisplatin


您的問題可能在'isSolved()'中,就在您所說的內容中。 – 2rs2ts




# Go through each possibility in the branch until one solution is found 
clone = deepcopy(puzzle) 
values = clone[index/9][index % 9] 
for value in values: 
    clone[index/9][index % 9] = value 
    branch = solvePuzzle(clone) 
    # If a list is returned, it worked! Otherwise, try the next possibility 
    if isinstance(branch, list): 
     return branch 


# Go through each possibility in the branch until one solution is found 
values = puzzle[index/9][index % 9] 
for value in values: 
    clone = deepcopy(puzzle) 
    clone[index/9][index % 9] = value 
    branch = solvePuzzle(clone) 
    # If a list is returned, it worked! Otherwise, try the next possibility 
    if isinstance(branch, list): 
     return branch 

如果只有一個問題,我會感到驚訝。代碼太複雜和冗餘。 – user2357112


它的工作!我現在看到爲什麼這可能是一個問題:我猜這個克隆是通過引用而不是值傳遞的。非常感謝你! – Cisplatin


@ user2357112你能解釋一下嗎?我明白爲什麼它可能與xrange(81)複雜,但爲什麼它是多餘的? – Cisplatin