我有一個問題讓火車功能在Python中正常工作。我無法修改def函數。我處於需要第二個文件讀取PosList的第一行的位置,並且我需要匹配OpenPos中的movieWordCount [z]的值。如果該文件在那裏,那麼我很好地將第2列加入一行代碼(按空格分隔)。如果不是,那麼我需要將其附加到文件末尾。這是行不通的。它不會追加值,如果它缺少,我不知道它是否會找到值,如果它在那裏。我一直堅持讓這個工作兩天。Python編碼打開和保存數據到文件
with open("PosList") as OpenPos:
lines = OpenPos.readlines()
print lines
if movieWordCount[z] in lines:
print "found"
#Now use tokenize to split it apart by space and set to new array for me to call column2
print "not found"
lines.append(movieWordCount[z] + " 1" + "\n")
#Import Counter
import collections
from collections import Counter
#Was already here but pickle is used for data input and export
import math, os, pickle, re
class Bayes_Classifier:
def __init__(self, trainDirectory = "movie_reviews/"):
#If file listing exists skip to train
if os.path.isfile('iFileList'):
print "file found"
#If file listing does not exist skip to train
if not os.path.isfile('iFileList'):
print "no file"
newfile = 'iFileList'
tempList = set()
subDir = './movie_reviews'
for filenames in os.listdir(subDir):
my_sub_path = os.path.join(os.sep,subDir,filenames)
self.save("filenames", "try3")
f = []
for fFileObj in os.walk("movie_reviews/"):
pickle.dump(f, open("save.p", "wb"))
self.save(f, "try4")
with open(newfile, 'wb') as fi:
pickle.dump(tempList, fi)
#print tempList
def train(self):
'''Trains the Naive Bayes Sentiment Classifier.'''
print "File ready for training"
#Open iFileList to use as input for opening movie files
x = 0
OpenIFileList = open('iFileList','r')
print "iFileList now Open"
#Loop through the file
for line in OpenIFileList:
#print "Ready to read lines"
#print "reading line " + line
if x > 4:
if x % 2 == 0:
#print line
s = line
if '-' in s:
comp = s.split("'")
#print comp[2]
print comp[1] #This is What you need for t he movie file
compValue1 = comp[1]
#Determine Positive/Negative.
#compType is the variable I am storing it to.
compType = compValue1.split("-",2)[1]
#print compType #Prints that middle value like 5 or 1
# This will do the work based on the value.
if compType == '5':
# print "you have a five" #Confirms the loop I am in.
#If file does not exists create it
if not os.path.exists('PosList'):
print "no file"
file('PosList', 'w').close()
#Open file that needs to be reviewed for word count
compValue2 = "movie_reviews/" + compValue1
print compValue2 #Prints the directory and file path
OpenMovieList = open(compValue2,'r')
for commentLine in OpenMovieList:
commentPositive = commentLine.split(" ")
commentPositiveCounter = Counter(commentPositive)
#print commentPositiveCounter # " Comment Pos goes here"
#if commentLine != '' or commentLine != ' ':
#Get first word, second word, ....
if commentLine and (not commentLine.isspace()):
movieWordCount = self.tokenize(commentLine)
y = len(movieWordCount) #determines length of string
print y
z = 0
#print movieWordCount[0] # Shows the zero position in the file.
while z < y:
print "position " + str(z) + " word is " + movieWordCount[z] # Shows the word we are at and position id
with open("PosList") as OpenPos:
lines = OpenPos.readlines()
print lines
if movieWordCount[z] in lines:
print "found"
print "not found"
z = z + 1
#Close the files
x += 1
#for line2 in OpenIFileList.readlines():
#for line in open('myfile','r').readlines():
#Save results
#Close the File List
def loadFile(self, sFilename):
'''Given a file name, return the contents of the file as a string.'''
f = open(sFilename, "r")
sTxt = f.read()
return sTxt
def save(self, dObj, sFilename):
'''Given an object and a file name, write the object to the file using pickle.'''
f = open(sFilename, "w")
p = pickle.Pickler(f)
def load(self, sFilename):
'''Given a file name, load and return the object stored in the file.'''
f = open(sFilename, "r")
u = pickle.Unpickler(f)
dObj = u.load()
return dObj
def tokenize(self, sText):
'''Given a string of text sText, returns a list of the individual tokens that
occur in that string (in order).'''
lTokens = []
sToken = ""
for c in sText:
if re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9]", str(c)) != None or c == "\'" or c == "_" or c == '-':
sToken += c
if sToken != "":
sToken = ""
if c.strip() != "":
if sToken != "":
return lTokens
我認爲你是在帶我正確的軌道,但它仍然無法正常工作。我在前面提供的代碼中發現了一些錯誤。主要是用開放東西: 張開( 「PosList」)作爲OpenPos: 線= OpenPos.readlines() 打印線 I = 0 而I
否則: 打印 「未找到」 lines.append(movieWordCount [Z] + '1' + 「\ n」 個) 打印線 I + = 1 張開( 「PosList」, 「w」)作爲Open_Pos: Open_Pos.write(行) –
它似乎通過相同的循環我現在無盡的話。我看到它在文件之間跳轉,就像它應該是這樣,但是不會遞增它正在查看的單詞,並且定期在轉儲成千上萬字的sam時發現它沒有找到,當它應該傾倒排列的句子時。 –