2015-10-09 90 views

我正在寫一個Excel VBA程序來測量設備並更新各種讀數值。以下是對我的文件看起來像一個簡單的例子:用Excel VBA更新文本文件

400: 0.4 
500: 0.3 
600: 3.3 

400: 1.0 
500: 2.0 
600: 3.0 

正在使用中的括號中的數字設備的S/N,大數是測量和冒號後面的數字是設備的偏移值。我想要做的是寫一些能夠定位S/N,定位測量值,然後覆蓋偏移值的東西。 .ini文件具有很多S/N,它們都採用相同的測量,但具有不同的偏移量。下面是一些演示代碼,我從電子表格大師嘗試:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 
'PURPOSE: Modify Contents of a text file using Find/Replace 
'SOURCE: www.TheSpreadsheetGuru.com 

Dim TextFile As Integer 
Dim FilePath As String 
Dim FileContent As String 

'File Path of Text File 
FilePath = "C:\Temp\test.ini" 

'Determine the next file number available for use by the FileOpen function 
TextFile = FreeFile 

'Open the text file in a Read State 
Open FilePath For Input As TextFile 

'Store file content inside a variable 
FileContent = Input(LOF(TextFile), TextFile) 

'Clost Text File 
Close TextFile 

FileContent = Replace(FileContent, "[HEADER TEST]", "[HEADER TEST]") 
FileContent = Replace(FileContent, "Inserting new line", "Replacing line") 
FileContent = Replace(FileContent, "Blah blah blah", "replaced this line too!") 

'Determine the next file number available for use by the FileOpen function 
TextFile = FreeFile 

'Open the text file in a Write State 
Open FilePath For Output As TextFile 

'Write New Text data to file 
Print #TextFile, FileContent 

'Clost Text File 
Close TextFile 
End Sub 

代碼工作,但它更新什麼,說:「插入新行」和「等等等等等等。」我希望只有在找到「[HEADER TEST]」後才能取代一次。「






請參閱http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/19190/should-questions-include-tags-in-their-titles – pnuts




if strpos(FileContent, "blabla") > 0 then 
    contentBeforeMatch = Left(FileContent, strpos(FileContent, "blabla") -1) 
    contentAfterMatch = Mid(FileContent, strpos(FileContent, "blabla") + Len("blabla") - 1)) 
    FileContent = contentBeforeMatch & "New Value" & contentAfterMatch 
end if 

錯誤返回「strpos」未定義。這不是Excel VBA中的默認功能? – Alex


編輯:取代InStr,似乎工作...需要更多地玩它來做我想做的事。我的第一次嘗試擺脫了標題,我希望頭部保持不變,只需替換它下面的一兩行即可。有沒有辦法替換整個文本塊?對於我的應用程序,我正在尋找替換超過20行代碼。謝謝! – Alex


所以,這是所有關於使用字符串函數 - 您需要定義塊的開始和結束表達式。然後,您只需搜索開始,將所有內容(使用Left()函數)搜索到結尾(不要忘記指定開始塊的開始位置),然後您只需將所有內容都放在結束塊之後。然後,您只需在開始塊,新​​塊和結束塊之前將所有內容連接起來。就是這樣:) – GSazheniuk



Sub ReplaceOffset(ByVal sHead As String, ByVal sMeasure As String, ByVal dValue As Double) 

    Dim sFile As String, lFile As Long 
    Dim vaLines As Variant 
    Dim vaMeasures As Variant 
    Dim sOld As String, sNew As String, sOldMeas 
    Dim i As Long 

    lFile = FreeFile 
    sFile = "C:\Temp\Test.ini" 

    'Read in the file to an array 
    Open sFile For Input As lFile 
     vaLines = Split(Input$(LOF(lFile), lFile), "[") 
    Close lFile 

    'Filter to find the right header 
    sOld = Filter(vaLines, sHead & "]")(0) 
    'Split the header into measurements 
    vaMeasures = Split(sOld, vbNewLine) 

    'Get the old value 
    sOldMeas = Filter(vaMeasures, sMeasure & ":")(0) 
    'Replace old With new 
    sNew = Replace(sOld, sOldMeas, sMeasure & ": " & Format(dValue, "0.0")) 

    'Replace the old With the new and write it out to the file 
    lFile = FreeFile 
    Open sFile For Output As lFile 
     Print #lFile, Replace(Join(vaLines, "["), sOld, sNew) 
    Close lFile 

End Sub 


ReplaceOffset "11906","500",.1 






sOldMeas = Filter(vaMeasures, sMeasure & ":")(UBound(Filter(vaMeasures, sMeasure & ":"))) 

Filter()函數返回數組的通配符匹配的數組。如果搜索700,返回的數組將包含2700,1700700(假設它們全都存在)。 Filter(...)(0)語法返回第一個元素 - 用於升序。 Filter(...)(Ubound(Filter(...)))返回最後一個元素 - 如果它們按降序排序,則工作。



Sub ReplaceOffset(ByVal sHead As String, ByVal sMeasure As String, ByVal dValue As Double) 

    Dim sFile As String, lFile As Long 
    Dim vaLines As Variant 
    Dim vaMeasures As Variant 
    Dim sOld As String, sNew As String, sOldMeas 
    Dim i As Long 

    lFile = FreeFile 
    sFile = "C:\Temp\Test.ini" 

    'Read in the file to an array 
    Open sFile For Input As lFile 
     vaLines = Split(Input$(LOF(lFile), lFile), "[") 
    Close lFile 

    'Filter to find the right header 
    sOld = Filter(vaLines, sHead & "]")(0) 
    sOld = Replace$(sOld, vbNewLine, vbNewLine & "~") 

    'Get the old value if Measures are unsorted 
    vaMeasures = Split(sOld, vbNewLine) 
    sOldMeas = Filter(vaMeasures, "~" & sMeasure & ":")(0) 

    'Replace old With new 
    sNew = Replace(sOld, sOldMeas, sMeasure & ": " & Format(dValue, "0.0")) 
    sNew = Replace(sNew, vbNewLine & "~", vbNewLine) 
    sOld = Replace(sOld, vbNewLine & "~", vbNewLine) 

    'Replace the old With the new and write it out to the file 
    lFile = FreeFile 
    Open sFile For Output As lFile 
     Print #lFile, Replace(Join(vaLines, "["), sOld, sNew) 
    Close lFile 

End Sub 

原來2700:, 1700:, 700:~2700:, ~1700:, ~700:所以當您搜索~700:時,無論排序順序如何,都不會獲得2700。


嗨迪克,看起來像一個很酷。我必須給它一個旋轉。謝謝:) – Alex


嗨迪克,代碼偉大的工作呃打一個呃。我正在做一個範圍從500到2700.所有是好的,因爲我替換文件中的值爲2700 - 1000(文本文件從最高到最低不幸),但一旦我打900 - 500,1900,1800的值,2700,2600和2500被改變,而不是如預期的900-500。如何修改過濾器,以便只在頭文件後面的文件中出現EXACT字符串時才進行更改?過濾功能後的(0)是否有效?我從來沒有見過這種格式,因爲它... – Alex


@Alex我添加了一些更多的代碼降序和未分類的措施。 –


另一個approche你可以使用Excel功能(如果您已經使用Excel :))
搜索 - >值
重寫 - >文本文件


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 

    Dim NewValue As String 
    Dim FilePath As String 
    Dim Index As Integer 
    Dim TextRow 

    FilePath = "C:\Temp\test.ini" 

    SearchValue = "[11905]" 
    ChangeValue = "400" 
    NewValue = "123" 

    With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _ 
     "TEXT;" + FilePath, Destination:=Range("$A$1")) 
     .TextFileStartRow = 1 
     .TextFileParseType = xlDelimited 
     .TextFileOtherDelimiter = ":" 
     .TextFileColumnDataTypes = Array(1, 1) 
     .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False 
    End With 

    ' search for key 
    Cells.Find(What:=SearchValue, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ 
     LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _ 
     MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate 

    ' search for value to change 
    Cells.Find(What:=ChangeValue, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _ 
     xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False _ 
     , SearchFormat:=False).Activate 

    ' change Value 
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = NewValue 

    ' select bottom row start 
    ' select bottom row end 

    ' select all rows 
    Range(Range("A1"), Selection).Select 

    ' write file 
    Open FilePath For Output As #1 

     'Write New Text data to file 
     For Index = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count + 1 
      TextRow = Selection.Cells(Index, 1).FormulaR1C1 
      If InStr(1, TextRow, "[") = 0 And Not TextRow = "" Then 
       TextRow = TextRow + ":" + Selection.Cells(Index, 2).FormulaR1C1 
      End If 
      Print #1, TextRow 
     Next Index 

    Close #1 

End Sub