2017-03-04 115 views

這似乎是一個X2go服務器的問題,因爲這裏所描述X2go「當GLX 1.3不支持時,qt_geo_map調用GLX 1.3函數」glXCreatePbuffer「!」



Therefore, there are 4 reasons why certain modern 「3d-ish」 desktops are incompatible with nxagent, and therefore X2Go. 
The desktop environment requires a newer version of the X11 extension 「GLX」 (OpenGL) than nxagent 3.5.0.x and X.org 6.9 provide (version 1.2). 


  1. 的Ubuntu 16.04薄荷
  2. 的CentOS 6.8

我都嘗試的Qt對於Linux安裝Qt的5.8和Qt 5.5.1

在CentOS的6.8的Qt 5.8,甚至未能於CentOS 6.8和Qt 5.8在Ubuntu 16.04安裝

有了Qt 5.5.1薄荷我得到這個錯誤試圖運行QtWebView最少的樣品

failed to get the current screen resources 
WARNING: Application /data/home002/pvicente/git/star_icvs/tools/build-qt_geo_map-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_GCC_64bit-Debug/qt_geo_map calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePbuffer" when GLX 1.3 is not supported! This is an application bug! 
QSGContext::initialize: stencil buffer support missing, expect rendering errors 
QXcbConnection: XCB error: 172 (Unknown), sequence: 163, resource id: 150, major code: 149 (Unknown), minor code: 20 

*這似乎是一個純粹的X2Go錯誤*,因爲試圖對本地終端(在Ubuntu 16.04薄荷使用Qt 5.8,程序運行精細。
