<?php if($hasSections): ?>
<div class="instructors-links">
<?php foreach ($sections as $section): ?>
<a href="#section<?php echo $section['id']; ?>">
<div class="instructors-img">
<img src="<?php echo $section['image']['url']; ?>" />
<h2><?php echo $section['title']; ?></h2>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div class="instructors">
<?php foreach ($sections as $section): ?>
<section id="section<?php echo $section['id']; ?>">
<h1 class="section-title"><?php echo $section['title']; ?></h1>
<div class="section-content">
<?php echo $section['content']; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var $sections = jQuery('.instructors section'), //Each section of content
$sectionLinks = jQuery('.instructors-links a'); //Each section link
//When a section link <a> tag is clicked
$sectionLinks.click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); //prevent the default actions from happening like following the link and scrolling down to the content
jQuery(this).attr('href').replace('#', '') //Gets the href value of the clicked <a> tag and removes the "#" character
); //Passes the section link to the "changeSection" function
changeSection('section1'); //When the page loads, display the "section1" section
function changeSection(sectionID) {
$sections.stop(true).hide(); //Stop animating and hide all sections
$sections.filter('#' + sectionID).stop(true).fadeIn(); //Display the section with the same ID as the section link that was clicked
$sectionLinks.removeClass('selected'); //Remove the selected class from all section link <a> tags
$sectionLinks.filter('[href="#' + sectionID + '"]').addClass('selected'); //Add the "selected" class to the section link that was clicked
<?php endif; ?>
你有一個小提琴或例子中我們可以看到什麼?很難理解你如何組織你的html。 – groooves
我已編輯上述 – Michelle