2010-11-03 17 views






function phptemplate_preprocess_node(&$variables) { 
    // we like to display teasers on the node view pages in a different style, 
    // but only if they were NOT set to 「show summary on full view」 (which seems 
    // backward, but the implication with that checkbox is that the teaser is 
    // PART of the node’s body, instead of an actual summary of the entire 
    // node’s body). if a node’s unbuilt body starts with , then 
    // a teaser has been manually set, and 「show summary」 is not checked. 
    if ($variables['page'] == TRUE) { // only do this on full page views. 
     $node = node_load($variables['nid']); // we reload the node because 
     // by the time it gets here has already been filtered out. 
     // this if logic stolen from node.module’s node_teaser_include_verify(). 
     if (strpos($node->body, '') === 0) { 
      $variables['style_teaser_differently'] = TRUE; 
      $variables['teaser'] = check_markup($node->teaser, $node->format, FALSE); 


    if ($style_teaser_differently){ 
     print '<div class="fullview-teaser">'.$teaser.'<div>'; 

在檢查$ style_teaser_differently不起作用。但我可以禁用他們,因爲它的另一種內容類型與自定義node.tpl.php – dantz 2010-11-03 16:55:25