'Thats the message sub
Public Sub MsgString(txtNo As Byte)
MsgBox MsgTxt(txtNo)
End Sub
'Thats the message function to return the corresponding value, which is chosen
Private Function MsgTxt(txtNo As Byte) As String
Dim arrMsgTxt() As Variant
arrMsgTxt = Array("error message number one", "error message number two", "error message number three")
For txtNo = LBound(arrMsgTxt) To UBound(arrMsgTxt)
MsgTxt = arrMsgTxt(txtNo)
Exit Function
Next txtNo
End Function
爲什麼如果您知道(想要通過txtNo的值)您想要使用哪條消息,您是否需要遍歷錯誤消息數組?您可以刪除For和Next行以及Exit Function,並且不會更改功能 – Dave
@Dave是的,變量'txtNo'包含數組中的數字。你有一個更好的解決方案的想法嗎? – yuro
查看Gary的學生回答... – Dave