

  • 按鈕一按下
  • 加載視頻一
  • 忽略所有其它事件偵聽器,直到電影結束時,或用戶駁回視頻


我寫了下面的代碼作爲我想要做的一個例子。 (然而,每次輸出相同的字符串「One Can play」)。

var canLaunchOne:Boolean; 
var canLaunchTwo:Boolean; 
var canLaunchThree:Boolean; 
var canLaunchFour:Boolean; 

buttonMCOne.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playMovieOne); 
buttonMCTwo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playMovieTwo); 
buttonMCThree.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playMovieThree); 
buttonMCFour.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playMovieFour); 


function playMovieOne(event:Event):void { 
    canLaunchOne = true; 
    canLaunchTwo = false; 
    canLaunchThree = false; 
    canLaunchFour = false; 


function playMovieTwo(event:Event):void { 
    canLaunchOne = false; 
    canLaunchTwo = true; 
    canLaunchThree = false; 
    canLaunchFour = false; 


function playMovieThree(event:Event):void { 
    canLaunchOne = false; 
    canLaunchTwo = false; 
    canLaunchThree = true; 
    canLaunchFour = false; 


function playMovieFour(event:Event):void { 
    canLaunchOne = false; 
    canLaunchTwo = false; 
    canLaunchThree = false; 
    canLaunchFour = true; 


function playTheRightVideo():void { 
    if(canLaunchOne = true){ 
     trace("One Can Play"); // do all that video stuff for video one 
    } else if(canLaunchTwo = true){ 
     trace("Two Can Play"); // do all that video stuff for video one 
    } else if(canLaunchThree = true){ 
     trace("Three Can Play"); // do all that video stuff for video one 
    } else { 
     trace("Four Can Play"); 

我嘗試這個代碼,我得到了它的「工作」,但每個功能將始終設置canLaunchMovie爲true ...

import flash.events.Event; 

var canLaunchMovie:Boolean; 

buttonMCOne.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playMovieOne); 
buttonMCTwo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playMovieTwo); 
buttonMCThree.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playMovieThree); 
buttonMCFour.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playMovieFour); 

function playMovieOne(e:Event):void { 
    if(canLaunchMovie = true){ 
     this.canLaunchMovie = false; 
     trace("One Can Play"); // do all that video stuff for video one 
    } else { 
     trace("I can't do that(play movie one) Dave"); 

function playMovieTwo(e:Event):void { 
    if(canLaunchMovie = true){ 
     this.canLaunchMovie = false; 
     trace("Two Can Play"); // do all that video stuff for video one 
    } else { 
     trace("I can't do that(play movie two) Dave"); 

function playMovieThree(e:Event):void { 
    if(canLaunchMovie = true){ 
     this.canLaunchMovie = false; 
     trace("Three Can Play"); // do all that video stuff for video one 
    } else { 
     trace("I can't do that(play movie three) Dave"); 

function playMovieFour(e:Event):void { 
    if(canLaunchMovie = true){ 
     this.canLaunchMovie = false; 
     trace("Four Can Play"); // do all that video stuff for video one 
    } else { 
     trace("I can't do that(play movie four) Dave"); 

精氨酸。因此,技術更新不起作用。我正在做一個永遠是真的任務,而不是做平等檢查。它可以工作,因爲每個按鈕都會分配canLaunchMovie = true; – elCavador


與論壇網站不同,我們不使用「謝謝」,或「任何幫助表示讚賞」,或在[so]上簽名。請參閱「[應該'嗨','謝謝',標語和致敬從帖子中刪除?](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2950/should-hi-thanks-taglines-and-salutations-be - 從帖子中刪除)。順便說一句,它是「提前致謝」,而不是「感謝先進」。 –



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