{prepare=0.25, saturday=0.5, republic=0.25, approach=0.25, ...}
[0, 1, 0, 0,...]
(0.25*0)+(0.5*1)+(0.25*0)+(0.25*0).... = total
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
class WordOcc {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String someText = "hurricane gilbert head dominican coast saturday. hurricane gilbert sweep dominican republic sunday civil prepare high wind heavy rain high sea. storm approach southeast sustain wind mph mph. there alarm civil defense director a television alert shortly midnight saturday.";
List<List<String>> sort = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, ArrayList<Integer>> res = new HashMap<>();
for (String sentence : someText.split("[.?!]\\s*"))
sort.add(Arrays.asList(sentence.split("[ ,;:]+"))); //put each sentences in list
// put all word in a hashmap with 0 count initialized
int sentenceCount = sort.size();
for (List<String> sentence: sort) {
sentence.stream().forEach(x -> res.put(x, new ArrayList<Integer>(Collections.nCopies(sentenceCount, 0))));
int index = 0;
// count the occurrences of each word for each sentence.
for (List<String> sentence: sort) {
for (String q : sentence) {
res.get(q).set(index, res.get(q).get(index) + 1);
Map<String,Float>word0List = getFrequency(res);
System.out.println(word0List + "\n"); //print the list value
//get first sentence count value from each word
List<Integer> sentence0List = getSentence(0, res);
System.out.println(sentence0List + "\n"); //print the map value
static List<Integer> getSentence(int sentence, Map<String, ArrayList<Integer>> map) {
return map.entrySet().stream().map(e -> e.getValue().get(sentence)).collect(Collectors.toList());
static Map<String, Float> getFrequency(Map<String, ArrayList<Integer>> stringMap) {
Map<String, Float> res = new HashMap<>();
stringMap.entrySet().stream().forEach(e -> res.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).sum()/(float)e.getValue().size()));
return res;
這還不清楚。你能解釋一下當前代碼在做什麼,它應該做什麼以及它做錯了什麼? – Tunaki
當前代碼沒有問題。我只是不確定如何將List和Map之間的值相乘。列表和地圖的當前輸出如前所述,並且我需要將它們相互乘以對應於它們的位置。 – Cael
注意:一個HashMap沒有固有的順序,你也不應該期望一個。 –