2016-08-17 34 views

遇到麻煩試圖建立上的previous question[R隊員名單約束與lpsolve - 必須選擇從Team



DF <- data.frame(Team=c(rep("Bears",5), rep("Jets",5), rep("49ers", 5)), Player=c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O"), Role=c(rep(c("WR", "RB", "TE"),5)), Avgpts=c(22, 19, 30, 25, 20, 21, 26, 14, 21, 13, 11, 8, 4, 3, 5), Salary=c(930, 900, 1300, 970, 910, 920, 980, 720, 650, 589, 111, 1239, 145, 560, 780)) 
obj = DF$Avgpts 
con = rbind(as.numeric(DF$Role=="WR"), as.numeric(DF$Role=="RB"), as.numeric(DF$Role=="TE"), as.numeric(DF$Team == "Bears"), DF$Salary) 
dir = c("==","==","==","==","<=") 
rhs = c(1,1,1,3,100000) 
sol <- Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = obj 
       , mat = con 
       , dir = dir 
       , rhs = rhs 
       , types = rep("B", length(DF$Team)) 
       , max=TRUE) 

solution <- DF[sol$solution==1,] 

通常,鏈接可以,但是您的代碼應該自己運行。這意味着創建'DF'並調用'library(lpSolve)'和其他任何東西。 – Frank


對不起,我改了這個例子,讓它運行。它目前的條件是硬編碼從熊隊中選出3名球員,但我想從同一時間挑選最好的3名球員,無論哪支球隊碰巧都是。 – spantz



請原諒我,如果我得到一些術語錯誤,但這裏是我結束瞭解決方案。每個球員被視爲一個專欄,我也爲每個球隊設立一個專欄。我爲每個Team = Team輸入了一個虛擬變量,這個數值等於我希望在單個球隊中獲得的最少球員人數。

DF <- data.frame(Team=c(rep("Bears",5), rep("Jets",5), rep("49ers", 5)), Player=c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O"), Role=c(rep(c("WR", "RB", "TE"),5)), Avgpts=c(22, 19, 30, 25, 20, 21, 26, 14, 21, 13, 11, 8, 4, 3, 5), Salary=c(930, 900, 1300, 970, 910, 920, 980, 720, 650, 589, 111, 1239, 145, 560, 780)) 

ncol <- nrow(DF) # of players in DF 
nteams <- length(unique(DF$Team)) 
teams <- unique(DF$Team) 

lp_rowpicker <- make.lp(ncol=(ncol+nteams)) 

obj_vals <- DF[, "Avgpts"] 
set.objfn(lp_rowpicker, c(obj_vals, rep(0, nteams))) #dummy 0s for team variable 
set.type(lp_rowpicker, columns=1:(ncol+nteams), type = "binary") 
add.constraint(lp_rowpicker, xt=c(DF$Salary, rep(0, nteams)), type="<=", rhs=35000) 
add.constraint(lp_rowpicker, xt=c(as.numeric(DF$Role=="WR"), rep(0, nteams)), type="=", rhs=1) 
add.constraint(lp_rowpicker, xt=c(as.numeric(DF$Role=="RB"), rep(0, nteams)), type="=", rhs=1) 
add.constraint(lp_rowpicker, xt=c(as.numeric(DF$Role=="TE"), rep(0, nteams)), type="=", rhs=1) 


#3 players total 
add.constraint(lp_rowpicker, xt=c(rep(1, ncol), rep(0, nteams)), type="=", rhs=3) 

# add a constraint that every team must have between 3 and 6 players. 
# put a dummy value of 3 in for each team 
# if the flag for the team column is 0 then 3 players must be selected (each with a value of 1 in that team's column. 
for (i in 1:nteams){ 
    team <- teams[i] 
    add.constraint(lp_rowpicker, lhs=3, xt=c(as.numeric(DF$Team==team), rep(0, i-1), 3, rep(0, nteams-i)), type="<=", rhs=7) 

# one team will not have the dummy value in the team column, forcing at  least 3 players picked from the same team to meet the lhs of the above constraint 
add.constraint(lp_rowpicker, xt=c(rep(0, ncol), rep(1, nteams)), type="=", rhs=(nteams-1)) 

soln <- get.variables(lp_rowpicker)>0 
solution <- DF[soln[0:ncol],] 