所以我想創建一個列表而不創建數組列表,但是,每當我嘗試運行程序時,我得到的錯誤「局部變量」letterGrade「可能尚未初始化」我試圖更改整個代碼但我仍然有同樣的問題>。 <任何幫助將不勝感激。先謝謝你。本地變量可能沒有被初始化的問題?
import java.util.Scanner;
public class KifahProg4
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(System.in);
String lastName,firstName,fullName,list;
int score,countA,countB,countC,countD,countF; //Student scores and number of Grades
int total = 0; //Student total score
double average; //Student Average score
char letterGrade; //Student grade
char response; //User continue y/n
System.out.print("Enter the student last name: ");
lastName = stdIn.next();
System.out.print("Enter the student first name: ");
firstName = stdIn.next();
fullName = lastName + " " + firstName;
for (int i=0; i<=5; i++)
System.out.print("Enter the score: ");
score = stdIn.nextInt();
total += score;
average = (double) total/5;
if(average >= 90 && average <=100)
letterGrade = 'A';
else if (average >=80)
letterGrade = 'B';
else if (average >=70)
letterGrade = 'C';
else if (average >= 60)
letterGrade = 'D';
else if (average <= 59)
letterGrade = 'F';
System.out.println("Grade is: ");
list = fullName + "\t" + total + average + "\t" + letterGrade + "\n";
"Would you like to add another student? (y/n): ");
response = stdIn.next().charAt(0);
} while (response == 'y' || response == 'Y');
} //結束主 } //結束類KifahProg4
我忘了提。我在(list = fullname +「\ t」+ total等...)行上得到錯誤 – Kifah
如果我把分數設置爲101,該怎麼辦? – immibis