是否可以訪問Safari或Google Chrome的打開標籤頁? URL是好還是標籤的標題或兩者?以編程方式訪問Web瀏覽器選項卡| Swift 3
是否可以訪問Safari或Google Chrome的打開標籤頁? URL是好還是標籤的標題或兩者?以編程方式訪問Web瀏覽器選項卡| Swift 3
let myAppleScript = "set r to \"\"\n" +
"tell application \"Safari\"\n" +
"repeat with w in windows\n" +
"if exists current tab of w then\n" +
"repeat with t in tabs of w\n" +
"tell t to set r to r & \"Title : \" & name & \", URL : \" & URL & linefeed\n" +
"end repeat\n" +
"end if\n" +
"end repeat\n" +
"end tell\n" +
"return r"
var error: NSDictionary?
let scriptObject = NSAppleScript(source: myAppleScript)
if let output: NSAppleEventDescriptor = scriptObject?.executeAndReturnError(&error) {
let titlesAndURLs = output.stringValue!
} else if (error != nil) {
print("error: \(error)")
Title : the title of the first tab, URL : the url of the first tab Title : the title of the second tab, URL : the url of the second tab Title : the title of the third tab, URL : the url of the third tab ....
let myAppleScript = "set r to \"\"\n" +
"tell application \"Google Chrome\"\n" +
"repeat with w in windows\n" +
"repeat with t in tabs of w\n" +
"tell t to set r to r & \"Title : \" & title & \", URL : \" & URL & linefeed\n" +
"end repeat\n" +
"end repeat\n" +
"end tell\n" +
"return r"
var error: NSDictionary?
let scriptObject = NSAppleScript(source: myAppleScript)
if let output: NSAppleEventDescriptor = scriptObject?.executeAndReturnError(&error) {
let titlesAndURLs = output.stringValue!
} else if (error != nil) {
print("error: \(error)")
set r to "" -- an empty variable for appending a string
tell application "Safari"
repeat with w in windows -- loop for each window, w is a variable which contain the window object
if exists current tab of w then -- is a valid browser window
repeat with t in tabs of w -- loop for each tab of this window, , t is a variable which contain the tab object
-- get the title (name) of this tab and get the url of this tab
tell t to set r to r & "Title : " & name & ", URL : " & URL & linefeed -- append a line to the variable (r)
'linefeed' mean a line break
'tell t' mean a tab of w (window)
'&' is for concatenate strings, same as the + operator in Swift
end repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
return r -- return the string (each line contains a title and an URL)
這是偉大的!你介意給我一些關於代碼的解釋,哪部分是做什麼的? – user6879072
我在答案中加入瞭解釋 – jackjr300