2013-03-22 52 views


SELECT id, title, content 
     (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(title) FROM posts  -- Select title of related posts 
     WHERE id <> p.id AND id IN (     
      SELECT p_id FROM tagsmap     -- Select reletad post ids from tagsmap 
      WHERE t_id IN (
       SELECT t_id FROM tagsmap    -- Select the tags of the current post 
       WHERE p_id = p.id) 
      ) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 3) as related 
FROM posts as p ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5 


這個查詢工作正常(雖然我不知道它的性能,因爲我沒有在表中有很多行 - 也許解釋可以幫助我,但現在不是這樣)。


所以我想做SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(title), GROUP_CONCAT(id),但我知道這會導致錯誤。那麼在這種情況下檢索id和標題的最佳方式是什麼?我不想重寫整個子查詢來檢索id。應該有另一種方式。


SELECT p1.id, p1.title, p1.content, 
    group_concat(DISTINCT p2.id) as 'P IDs', 
    group_concat(DISTINCT p2.title) as 'P titles' 
FROM posts as p1 
LEFT JOIN tagsmap as tm1 on tm1.p_id = p1.id 
LEFT JOIN tagsmap as tm2 on tm2.t_id = tm1.t_id and tm1.p_id <> tm2.p_id 
LEFT JOIN posts as p2 on p2.id = tm2.p_id 
GROUP BY p1.id 
ORDER BY p1.id desc limit 5; 

這到底是什麼人,我使用的查詢。我刪除了Where子句,因爲它是不必要的,並且使用LEFT JOIN而不是JOIN,否則它會忽略沒有標籤的帖子。最後將DISTINCT添加到group_concat,因爲它連接了重複行(例如,如果某個帖子具有多個具有相關帖子的通用標記,則會導致重複連接)。



你在哪裏WHERE post_id = p.id,你的意思是WHERE p_id = p.id?我不得不推斷你的桌子的結構,所以我的猜測可能會關閉。另外,你不使用表格標籤 - 對嗎? – 2013-03-22 21:06:14



好了 - 這將工作,它具有消除子查詢的額外的好處(當你獲得大量的記錄,可以減慢你的速度):

SELECT p1.id, p1.title, p1.content, 
    group_concat(p2.id) as 'P IDs', 
    group_concat(p2.title) as 'P titles' 
FROM posts as p1 
JOIN tagsmap as tm1 on tm1.p_id = p1.id 
JOIN tagsmap as tm2 on tm2.t_id = tm1.t_id and tm1.p_id <> tm2.p_id 
JOIN posts as p2 on p2.id = tm2.p_id 
WHERE p2.id <> p1.id 
GROUP BY p1.id 
ORDER BY p1.id desc limit 5; 


使用GROUP BY丟棄所有加入的學生,你就在那裏。



SELECT id, title, content 
     (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(concat(cast(id as varchar(10)), ':', title)) FROM posts  -- Select title of related posts 
     WHERE id <> p.id AND id IN (     
      SELECT p_id FROM tagsmap     -- Select reletad post ids from tagsmap 
      WHERE t_id IN (
       SELECT t_id FROM tagsmap    -- Select the tags of the current post 
       WHERE post_id = p.id) 
      ) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 3) as related 
FROM posts as p ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5