請參閱:Mongo Mapper。
不是Mongoid版本1.x與Rails 2.x一起工作嗎?它是這麼說的homepage ...
耙路輸出: ...
無法激活的ActiveSupport(= 2.3.8,運行時)for [],已爲[[rails-2.1.2]]激活activesupport-2.1.2] ...
- 1. ruby and ruby on rails book(2009)
- 2. ruby on rails,searchlogic and refactoring
- 3. Heroku with ruby on rails and Mongoid
- 4. Ruby on Rails 5 and Devise:Overriding after_sign_out_path_for
- 5. 除非AND(&&)在Ruby on Rails的
- 6. Ruby on Rails:link_to_remote and rel
- 7. Ruby on Rails和MongoDB
- 8. CMS on Ruby on Rails
- 9. Ruby和Rails或Ruby on Rails
- 10. Ruby與Ruby On Rails
- 11. Ruby on Rails fullcalendar-rails
- 12. ruby on rails css
- 13. Ruby on rails console
- 14. OCIError(ruby on rails)
- 15. Friendly_ID Ruby on Rails
- 16. Ruby on rails hosting
- 17. ActiveRecordNotFound Ruby On Rails
- 18. Ruby on Rails Switch
- 19. Ruby on Rails routes.rb
- 20. OpenTok Ruby On Rails
- 21. Ruby on Rails,Resque
- 22. Ruby on Rails + Devise
- 23. Ruby on Rails partials
- 24. Ruby ON rails- Webrick
- 25. ruby on rails form_for
- 26. Ruby on Rails - ApplicationController
- 27. Ruby on Rails - Facebook
- 28. ruby on rails jqgrid
- 29. Ruby On Rails Application.html.haml
- 30. Ruby on Rails UrlGenerationError