Public Sub ItemUpdate(ByVal startRow As Integer, ByVal endRow As Integer, ByVal itemCol As String, ByVal statusCol As String, ByVal manuPNCol As String)
Dim orgSheet As Worksheet
Dim commonSheet As Worksheet
Dim partDesCol As String
Dim partDes As String
Dim vendorColNumber As Integer
Dim vendorColLetter As String
Dim manuPN As String
Dim counter As Integer
Dim replaceRnge As Range
Set orgSheet = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
partDesCol = FindPartDesCol()
Set commonSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Common Equipment")
For counter = startRow To endRow
'Get part description value
partDes = Range(partDesCol & counter).Value
'Delete row of empty cells if there is any
If partDes = "" Then
'deleteing empty row
orgSheet.Rows(counter).Delete '************************** Only works in
debug mode.
endRow = endRow - 1
If counter < endRow Then
counter = counter - 1
Exit For
End If
manuPN = Range(manuPNCol & counter).Value
'Search for user part in common sheet
Set rangeFind = commonSheet.Range("1:200").Find(partDes, lookat:=xlWhole)
If rangeFind Is Nothing Or partDes = "" Then
Debug.Print "Part " & partDes & " not found in Common Equipment"
'MsgBox "Part " & partDes & " not found in Common Equipment"
'Now check if manuPN is in common equipment
Set rangeFind = commonSheet.Range("1:200").Find(manuPN, lookat:=xlWhole)
If rangeFind Is Nothing Or partDes = "" Then
Debug.Print "PartNumber " & manuPN & " not found in Common Equipment"
'Now check if vendor value of item is empty
'Get vendor col
vendorCol = FindSearchCol()
If orgSheet.Range(vendorCol & counter).Value = "" Then
'Copy and paste manufact. data to vendor
'converting from letter column to number and visa versa
vendorColNumber = Range(vendorCol & 1).Column
ManuColTemp = vendorColNumber - 2
ManuPNColTemp = vendorColNumber - 1
VendorPNColTemp = vendorColNumber + 1
ManuCol = Split(Cells(1, ManuColTemp).Address(True, False), "$")(0)
manuPNCol = Split(Cells(1, ManuPNColTemp).Address(True, False), "$")(0)
VendorPNCol = Split(Cells(1, VendorPNColTemp).Address(True, False), "$")
orgSheet.Range(ManuCol & counter & ":" & manuPNCol & counter).Copy Range(vendorCol & counter & ":" & VendorPNCol & counter)
End If
'Copy new data from common equipment and paste in place of old data
'Get value of status
If statusCol <> "error" Then
orderStatus = orgSheet.Range(statusCol & counter).Value
End If
orgSheet.Range(itemCol & counter).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
If statusCol <> "error" Then
orgSheet.Range(statusCol & counter).Value = orderStatus
End If
End If
'Copy new data from common equipment and paste in place of old data
'Get value of status
If statusCol <> "error" Then
orderStatus = orgSheet.Range(statusCol & counter).Value
End If
orgSheet.Range(itemCol & counter).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
If statusCol <> "error" Then
orgSheet.Range(statusCol & counter).Value = orderStatus
End If
End If
End If
Next counter
'call renumber item numbers
Call NumberItems(0, 0, 0, False)
End Sub
「僅適用於調試」通常與未完全定義所有範圍引用有關。首先確保對範圍/單元格的每次調用都有合格的工作表參考。 –
您是否檢查過您的FindPartDesCol函數返回的內容? – YowE3K
蒂姆威廉姆斯,我經歷了並修復了我所有的參考文獻,但它仍然無效。 –