2015-07-12 166 views

我正在編寫一些單元測試,遵循這個blog post中的慣例,但我無法訪問我的指令的控制器功能。我有一個爲ES指令和控制器編寫的指令。我正在使用controllerAs將我的控制器類綁定到我的指令類。該指令我想寫於容貌單元測試,像這樣:問題單元測試Karma/Jasmine的ES6角度指令ControllerAs

// Why is this file included? | Refer to : http://www.michaelbromley.co.uk/blog/350/exploring-es6-classes-in-angularjs-1-x#_section-directives 
import directiveFactory from '../../../directivefactory.js'; 

// ##Directive Definition 
class sideNav { 

    constructor() { 

     this.template = 
      <!-- SIDENAV --> 
      <!-- hamburger menu toggle visible when the sidenav menu is toggled shut --> 
      <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger side-nav-hamburger dark-hamburger" set-class-when-at-top="fix-to-top" ng-click='vm.test(); vm.toggle();'></span> 

      <!-- wraps all sidenav menu content --> 
      <div ng-class='{ show: vm.open }' class="collapsible"> 

       <!-- hamburger menu toggle visible when the sidenav menu is toggled open --> 
       <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger side-nav-hamburger light-hamburger" ng-click='vm.test(); vm.toggle();'></span> 

       <!-- brand-image --> 
       <div class="side-nav-head" transclude-id="head"></div> <!-- component user content insertion point 1 --> 

       <!-- navigation links --> 
       <div class="side-nav-body" transclude-id="body"></div> <!-- component user content insertion point 2 --> 

       <!-- footer --> 


      </div><!-- end collapsible --> 
      <!-- END SIDENAV --> 
     this.restrict = 'E'; 
     this.scope = {}; 
     this.bindToController = { 

     this.transclude = true; 
     this.controller = SideNavController; 
     this.controllerAs = 'vm'; 

    // ###Optional Link Function 
    link (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl, transclude) { 

     transclude ((clone) => { 

      angular.forEach(clone, (cloneEl, value) => { 

       // If the cloned element has attributes... 
       if(cloneEl.attributes) { 

        // Get desired target ID... 
        var tId = cloneEl.attributes["transclude-to"].value; 

        // Then find target element with that ID... 
        var target = elem.find('[transclude-id="' + tId + '"]'); 

        // Append the element to the target 

// ###Directive Controller 
class SideNavController { 

    constructor($rootScope) { 

     this.$rootScope = $rootScope; 

     // Initiate the menu as closed 
     this.open = false; 

     // Upon instantiation setup necessary $rootScope listeners 

    // ####listen() 
    // *function* 
    // Setup directive listeners on the $rootScope 
    listen() { 

     // Receives an event from the ng-click within the directive template 
     // for the side-nav-item component 
     this.$rootScope.$on('navigation-complete', (event) => { 

      // Upon receiving event, toggle the menu to closed 

    // ####toggle() 
    // *function* 
    // Toggle menu open or shut 
    toggle() { 

     this.open = !this.open; 

    // ####test() 
    // *function* 
    test() { // DEBUG 

     console.log('tester'); // DEBUG 
     console.log(this.visible); // DEBUG 
     console.log(this.open); // DEBUG 

SideNavController.$inject = ['$rootScope']; 

export default ['sideNav', directiveFactory(sideNav)]; 


import { default as sideNav } from './side-nav/side-nav.js'; 
import { default as sideNavItem } from './side-nav-item/side-nav-item.js'; 

let moduleName = 'sideNav'; 

let module = angular.module(moduleName, []) 
    // #### Sidebar Nav Components 

export default moduleName; 

在我單元測試我嘗試模擬beforeEach中的控制器,但是無論我使用控制器名稱作爲vm還是SideNavController(前者是controllerAs名稱,後者是實際的類名稱 - 不確定哪個是我想要的)我仍然收到錯誤:Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'vm/SideNavController' is not a function, got undefined


describe('Side Nav Directive',() => { 

    let elem, scope, ctrl; 

    // Mock our side-nav directive 

    beforeEach(angular.mock.inject(($rootScope, $compile, $controller) => { 

     // Define the directive markup to test with 
     elem = angular.element(

       <!-- side-nav directive component --> 

        <!-- content insertion point 1 --> 
        <div transclude-to="head"> 

         <img src alt="test_image"> 


        <!-- content insertion point 2 --> 
        <div transclude-to="body"> 

         <a href="#">Test Link</a> 




     scope = $rootScope.$new(); 



     ctrl = $controller('vm', scope); 

    it("should toggle shut when angular view navigation completes",() => { 

     expect(ctrl).toBeDefined(); // <----- this errors 





通過編譯標記和創建整個指令進行測試,基本上將其轉化爲集成測試,並且管理起來更復雜一些。一般而言,我發現這使得更多的可維護和有用的測試 - 特別是如果目標是測試控制器。



啊我明白了。是的,我之前已經閱讀過您的文章,我認爲這是我將採取的方法。我想我忘了指令控制器與指令中的關注問題分離邏輯等。感謝您的迴應。 –



const ROOTSCOPE = new WeakMap(); 

// ###Directive Controller 
class SideNavController { 

    constructor($rootScope) { 

     ROOTSCOPE.set(this, $rootScope); 

     // Initiate the menu as closed 
     this.open = false; 

     // Upon instantiation setup necessary $rootScope listeners 

    // ####listen() 
    // *function* 
    // Setup directive listeners on the $rootScope 
    listen() { 

     // Receives an event from the ng-click within the directive template 
     // for the side-nav-item component 
     ROOTSCOPE.get(this).$on('navigation-complete', (event) => { 

      // Upon receiving event, toggle the menu to closed 

    // ####toggle() 
    // *function* 
    // Toggle menu open or shut 
    toggle() { 

     this.open = !this.open; 

SideNavController.$inject = ['$rootScope']; 

export default SideNavController; 


// Import the controller to be tested 
import SideNavController from './SideNavController.js'; 

describe('SideNavController',() => { 

    let $rootScope, vm; 

    beforeEach(angular.mock.inject((_$rootScope_, _$controller_) => { 

     $rootScope = _$rootScope_.$new(); 

     vm = _$controller_(SideNavController, {}); 

    it('should be initialize the open variable to false',() => { 



    it('should listen for a navigation event and call the toggle function when the event is caught',() => { 

     // Create Jasmine spy to watch toggle function 
     spyOn(vm, 'toggle'); 

     // Simulate navigation event propagation 
