2012-10-21 35 views


using System; 

    class Program 
    //declare constant 
    const double ANGLES_FROM_RADIANS = 57.295779513082323; 

    static void Main() 

     //declare vairiables 
     double xc = 0.0; 
     double yc = 0.0; 
     double radius = 0.0; 
     double theta = 0.0; 

     //call methods 
     double GetUserInput (ref double xc, ref double yc); 
     double CalcCoords (double xc, double yc, ref double radius, ref double theta); 
     double Output (double radius, double theta); 

    //method prologue 

    static double GetUserInput (ref double xc, ref double yc) 
     xc = 0; 
     yc = 0; 
     while (xc = 0) 
    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a possitive, non-zero value for the x-ccordinate of a point."); 
      xc = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); 
      if (xc <= 0) 
       Console.WriteLine("Error, x must be greater than zero."); 
     Console.WriteLine("Please enter a possitive value for the y-coordinate of a point."); 
     yc = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); 

     Return Console.WriteLine("Your Coordinates are ({0},{1})", xc, yc); 

    //method prologue 
    static double CalcCoords (double xc, double yc, ref double radius, ref double theta) 
      radius = Math.sqrt((xc * yc) + (xc * yc)); 
      return radius; 
      theta = Math.Atan(yc/xc) * ANGLES_FROM_RADIANS; 
      return theta; 

    //method prologue 
    static double Output (double radius, double theta) 
     Console.WriteLine("For your polar coordinates:"); 
     Console.WriteLine("Distance from the origin: {0:f}", radius); 
     Console.WriteLine("The angle (in degrees) from the x-axis is: {0:f3}", theta); 


    }//End Main() 
    }//End class Program 



最後一個大括號是多餘的隊友。這一個 -

}//End Main() 



我不知道什麼假設你的代碼做。它包含很多errorsintent of code也不清楚。此代碼雖然編譯 -

class Program 
     //declare constant 
     const double ANGLES_FROM_RADIANS = 57.295779513082323; 

     static void shdg() 
      //declare vairiables 
      double xc = 0.0; 
      double yc = 0.0; 
      double radius = 0.0; 
      double theta = 0.0; 

     //method prologue 
     static void GetUserInput(ref double xc, ref double yc) 
      xc = 0; 
      yc = 0; 
      while (xc == 0) 
       Console.WriteLine("Please enter a possitive, non-zero value for the x-ccordinate of a point."); 
       xc = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); 
       if (xc <= 0) 
        Console.WriteLine("Error, x must be greater than zero."); 
      Console.WriteLine("Please enter a possitive value for the y-coordinate of a point."); 
      yc = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); 

      Console.WriteLine("Your Coordinates are ({0},{1})", xc, yc); 

     //method prologue 
     static double CalcCoords(double xc, double yc, ref double radius, ref double theta) 
       radius = Math.Sqrt((xc * yc) + (xc * yc)); 
       return radius; 
       theta = Math.Atan(yc/xc) * ANGLES_FROM_RADIANS; 
       return theta; 

     //method prologue 
     static void Output(double radius, double theta) 
      Console.WriteLine("For your polar coordinates:"); 
      Console.WriteLine("Distance from the origin: {0:f}", radius); 
      Console.WriteLine("The angle (in degrees) from the x-axis is: {0:f3}", theta); 
    }//End class Program 

所以我刪除了最後一個大括號,並沒有清除我的錯誤...任何其他的想法? – BXL


您是否刪除了最後一個在類代碼中的最後一個'Console.ReadLine()'? –


是的,我有。它也沒有清除錯誤。 – BXL


額外的最後一個大括號}//End Main()


main methodmethod犯規包含class或其他方法


另外你的//call methods是無效的..你必須傳遞值或變量。


一個類可以沒有入口點,並且op在他的代碼中有一個入口點。 –


@CodeIgnoto爲什麼我說**或/和** – Anirudha


我不確定你的意思是假。對不起,我對此很新。 – BXL
