data參數可以通過url來加載元素。 從文檔:
data: array/string
JSON Data source used to populate the combo box. 3 options are available here:
No Data Source (default)
When left null, the combo box will not suggest anything. It can still enable the user to enter multiple entries if allowFreeEntries is set to true (default).
Static Source
You can pass an array of JSON objects, an array of strings or even a single CSV string as the data source.
For ex. data: [{id:0,name:"Paris"}, {id: 1, name: "New York"}]
You can pass the url from which the component will fetch its JSON data.
Data will be fetched using a POST ajax request that will include the entered text as 'query' parameter. The results fetched from the server can be:
- an array of JSON objects (ex: [{id:...,name:...},{...}])
- a string containing an array of JSON objects ready to be parsed (ex: "[{id:...,name:...},{...}]")
- a JSON object whose data will be contained in the results property (ex: {results: [{id:...,name:...},{...}]
$(document).ready(function() {
data: 'http://yoururl/data.php'
$data = array(array("id"=> 1, "name"=> "New York", "country"=> "United States"),
array("id"=> 2, "name"=> "Los Angeles", "country"=> "United States"),
array("id"=> 3, "name"=> "Chicago", "country"=> "United States"),
array("id"=> 4, "name"=> "Houston", "country"=> "United States"),
array("id"=> 5, "name"=> "Philadelphia", "country"=> "United States"),
array("id"=> 6, "name"=> "Paris", "country"=> "France"),
array("id"=> 7, "name"=> "Marseille", "country"=> "France"),
array("id"=> 8, "name"=> "Toulouse", "country"=> "France"),
array("id"=> 9, "name"=> "Lyon", "country"=> "France"),
array("id"=> 10, "name"=> "Bordeaux", "country"=> "France"),
array("id"=> 11, "name"=> "Montpellier", "country"=> "France"),
array("id"=> 16, "name"=> "Phoenix", "country"=> "United States"),
array("id"=> 17, "name"=> "San Antonio", "country"=> "United States"),
array("id"=> 18, "name"=> "San Diego", "country"=> "United States"),
array("id"=> 19, "name"=> "Dallas", "country"=> "United States"),
array("id"=> 20, "name"=> "San Jose", "country"=> "United States"),
array("id"=> 21, "name"=> "Jacksonville", "country"=> "United States"));
echo json_encode($data);
現在每次你打一個鍵將執行該查詢,您可以通過在您的PHP代碼中獲取$ _POST ['query']來獲取用戶輸入的任何內容。然後,您可以過濾數據或執行數據庫查詢或其他任何事情。
感謝你的回答很用力咀嚼,我只知道你是插件:)的作者,當你有時間請大家看看這個問題:謝謝! – DomingoSL 2013-03-30 18:51:53
@karlipoppins你可以建議如何將以前添加的結果添加到現在我們擁有該網址的數據鍵中。用簡單的語言說明如何將預先選定的值合併到數據密鑰中。 – xyz 2014-07-16 12:50:26
你能更精確嗎? – karlipoppins 2014-07-16 16:34:38