是否可以使用AppleScript打開最近的文件? 我試過下面的腳本,但它不起作用。AppleScript打開「打開最近」文件
on run
tell application "System Events"
set theApp to (get name of first process whose frontmost is true)
click menu bar item "Archivio" of menu bar 1 of process theApp
click menu item "Apri recente" of menu "Archivio" of menu bar item "Archivio" of menu bar 1 of process theApp
click menu item " test" of menu "Apri recente" of menu item "Apri recente" of menu "Archivio" of menu bar item "Archivio" of menu bar 1 of process theApp
end tell
end try
end run
- >錯誤號-1728從«類menI»«類menI» 「APRI最近搜索」 的«類MENE» 「APRI最近搜索」 的 「測試」 «類梅內»«類mbri»的「ARCHIVIO」的「ARCHIVIO」«類巴勒斯坦紅新月會»「的AppleScript編輯器」