2013-10-29 62 views

大家好(對不起,請爲我的英文不好)。我需要使用我的模板數據製作excel文件(xlsx)。 我有一個模板測試OpenXML SDK 2.5 Excel模板

public class MyC 
     public String AAA { get; private set; } 
     public String BBB { get; private set; } 
     public String CCC { get; private set; } 

     public MyC(String a, String b, String c) 
      AAA = a; 
      BBB = b; 
      CCC = c; 

      var my = new List<MyC> 
       new MyC("a1", "b1", "c1"), 
       new MyC("a2", "b2", "c2"), 
       new MyC("a3", "b3", "c3"), 

template screen shot

和數據,我需要找到模板與數據字段的名稱標籤:和我的數據替換。 而得到這樣的

enter image description here





我自己做的。 我想發佈代碼,對於那些對這個主題感興趣的人。 我將用模板在Excel中寫入我的數據。 拳,你需要下載的Open XML SDK DLL(我使用的版本2.5) 並添加項目(我加在工人)

我在C盤,我的模板(C:\ ExcelTemplates \ MyTestTemp.xlsx)

enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here

  1. TestConsole(只是控制檯啓動項目)
  2. 接口(我的數據)
  3. OfficeFramework(這裏將一般工作)
  4. TemplateTables(用於生成System.Data。 DataTable-s)
  5. 測試(針對我的測試數據)
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 
using TemplateTables.ExcelTemplates; 
using Test; 
using OpenFileDialog = System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog; 

namespace TestConsole 
    class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Write my data in Excel File 
      OpenFileDialog openFileDialog; 

      var myData = new List<TestData>//My data for test 
       new TestData("a1", "b1", "c1"), 
       new TestData("a2", "b2", "c2"), 
       new TestData("a3", "b3", "c3"), 
       new TestData("a4", "b4", "c4"), 
       new TestData("a5", "b5", "c5"), 
       new TestData("a6", "b6", "c6") 
       var wk = new OfficeFramework.Create.Worker();//general class for work 
       var ex = new TestTable(); 
       wk.Export(ex.ExcelTableLines(myData), ex.ExcelTableHeader(), "MyTestTemp");//here i generate DataTeble, labels and send in public void Export(DataTable dataTable, System.Collections.Hashtable hashtable, String templateName) and send my template file name "MyTestTemp" 
      catch (Exception ex) 
       throw new Exception(ex.Message); 

using System; 

namespace Interfaces 
    public interface ITestData // interface for my data 
     String AAA { get; } 
     String BBB { get; } 
     String CCC { get; } 

using System; 
using Interfaces; 

namespace Test 
    public class TestData : ITestData // my data class 
     public String AAA { get; private set; } 
     public String BBB { get; private set; } 
     public String CCC { get; private set; } 

     public TestData(String a, String b, String c) 
      AAA = a; 
      BBB = b; 
      CCC = c; 

using System; 
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet; 

namespace OfficeFramework.Create 
    public class CellForFooter // here i will be keep cells for my labels. self cell and value 
     public Cell _Cell { get; private set; } 
     public String Value { get; private set; } 

     public CellForFooter(Cell cell, String value) 
      _Cell = cell; 
      Value = value; 

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet; 

namespace OfficeFramework.Create 
    public class Footer //it's rows with cells for labels 
     public Row _Row { get; private set; } 
     public List<CellForFooter> Cells { get; private set; } 

     public Footer(Row row, Cell cell, String cellValue) 
      _Row = new Row((Row) row.Clone()) {RowIndex = row.RowIndex}; 
      var _Cell = (Cell)cell.Clone(); 
      _Cell.CellReference = cell.CellReference; 
      Cells = new List<CellForFooter> { new CellForFooter(_Cell,cellValue) }; 

     public void AddMoreCell(Cell cell, String cellValue) 
      var _Cell = (Cell)cell.Clone(); 
      _Cell.CellReference = cell.CellReference; 
      Cells.Add(new CellForFooter(_Cell, cellValue)); 

using System; 

namespace OfficeFramework.Create 
    public class Field // here i will keep my colums names, rows indexes and column index 
     public uint Row { get; private set; } 
     public String Column { get; private set; } 
     public String _Field { get; private set; } 

     public Field(uint row, String column, String field) 
      Row = row; 
      Column = column; 
      _Field = field; 

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml; 
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging; 
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet; 

namespace OfficeFramework.Create 
    public class Worker 
     private const String TemplateFolder = @"C:\ExcelTemplates\"; 

     public static String Directory 
       const string excelFilesPath = @"C:\xls_repository\"; // folder for result files 
       if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(excelFilesPath) == false) 

       return excelFilesPath; 

     public void Export(DataTable dataTable, System.Collections.Hashtable hashtable, String templateName) 
      var filePath = CreateFile(templateName); 

      OpenForRewriteFile(filePath, dataTable, hashtable); 


     private String CreateFile(String templateName) 
      if (!File.Exists(TemplateFolder + templateName + ".xlsx")) 
       throw new Exception(String.Format("Не удалось найти шаблон документа \"{0}\"!", TemplateFolder + templateName + ".xlsx")); 

      var filePath = Directory + templateName + "_" + Regex.Replace((DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), @"[^a-z0-9]+", "") + ".xlsx"; 

      File.Copy(TemplateFolder + templateName + ".xlsx", filePath, true); 

      return filePath; 

     private void OpenForRewriteFile(String filePath, DataTable dataTable, System.Collections.Hashtable hashtable) 
      Row rowTemplate = null; 
      var footer = new List<Footer>(); 
      var firsIndexFlag = false; 
      using (var document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(filePath, true)) 
       Sheet sheet; 
        sheet = document.WorkbookPart.Workbook.GetFirstChild<Sheets>().Elements<Sheet>().SingleOrDefault(s => s.Name == "Лист1");// get my sheet 
       catch (Exception ex) 
        throw new Exception("Возможно в документе существует два листа с названием \"Лист1\"!\n",ex); 

       if (sheet==null) 
        throw new Exception("В шаблоне не найден Лист1!\n"); 

       var worksheetPart = (WorksheetPart)document.WorkbookPart.GetPartById(sheet.Id.Value); 
       var sheetData = worksheetPart.Worksheet.GetFirstChild<SheetData>(); 

       var rowsForRemove = new List<Row>(); 
       var fields = new List<Field>(); 
       foreach (var row in worksheetPart.Worksheet.GetFirstChild<SheetData>().Elements<Row>()) 
        var celsForRemove = new List<Cell>(); 
        foreach (var cell in row.Descendants<Cell>()) 
         if (cell == null) 

         var value = GetCellValue(cell, document.WorkbookPart); 
         if (value.IndexOf("DataField:", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1) 
          if (!firsIndexFlag) 
           firsIndexFlag = true; 
           rowTemplate = row; 
          fields.Add(new Field(Convert.ToUInt32(Regex.Replace(cell.CellReference.Value, @"[^\d]+", "")) 
           , new string(cell.CellReference.Value.ToCharArray().Where(p => !char.IsDigit(p)).ToArray()) 
           , value.Replace("DataField:", ""))); 


         if (value.IndexOf("Label:", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1 && rowTemplate == null) 
          if (!hashtable.ContainsKey(value.Replace("Label:", "").Trim())) 
           throw new Exception("Нет такого лэйбла"); 
          cell.CellValue = new CellValue(hashtable[value.Replace("Label:", "").Trim()].ToString()); 
          cell.DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.String); 


         if (rowTemplate == null || row.RowIndex <= rowTemplate.RowIndex || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) 
         var item = footer.SingleOrDefault(p => p._Row.RowIndex == row.RowIndex); 
         if (item == null) 
          footer.Add(new Footer(row, cell, value.IndexOf("Label:", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1? hashtable[value.Replace("Label:", "").Trim()].ToString():value)); 
          item.AddMoreCell(cell, value.IndexOf("Label:", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1? hashtable[value.Replace("Label:", "").Trim()].ToString():value); 

        foreach (var cell in celsForRemove) 

        if (rowTemplate != null && row.RowIndex != rowTemplate.RowIndex) 

       if (rowTemplate == null || rowTemplate.RowIndex == null || rowTemplate.RowIndex<0) 
        throw new Exception("Не удалось найти ни одного поля, для заполнения!"); 

       foreach (var row in rowsForRemove) 

       var index = rowTemplate.RowIndex; 
       foreach (var row in from DataRow item in dataTable.Rows select CreateRow(rowTemplate, index, item, fields)) 
        sheetData.InsertBefore(row, rowTemplate); 

       foreach (var newRow in footer.Select(item => CreateLabel(item, (UInt32)dataTable.Rows.Count))) 
        sheetData.InsertBefore(newRow, rowTemplate); 


     private Row CreateLabel(Footer item, uint count) 
      var row = item._Row; 
      row.RowIndex = new UInt32Value(item._Row.RowIndex + (count - 1)); 
      foreach (var cell in item.Cells) 
       cell._Cell.CellReference = new StringValue(cell._Cell.CellReference.Value.Replace(Regex.Replace(cell._Cell.CellReference.Value, @"[^\d]+", ""), row.RowIndex.ToString())); 
       cell._Cell.CellValue = new CellValue(cell.Value); 
       cell._Cell.DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.String); 
      return row; 

     private Row CreateRow(Row rowTemplate, uint index, DataRow item, List<Field> fields) 
      var newRow = (Row)rowTemplate.Clone(); 
      newRow.RowIndex = new UInt32Value(index); 

      foreach (var cell in newRow.Elements<Cell>()) 
       cell.CellReference = new StringValue(cell.CellReference.Value.Replace(Regex.Replace(cell.CellReference.Value, @"[^\d]+", ""), index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); 
       foreach (var fil in fields.Where(fil => cell.CellReference == fil.Column + index)) 
        cell.CellValue = new CellValue(item[fil._Field].ToString()); 
        cell.DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.String); 
      return newRow; 

     private string GetCellValue(Cell cell, WorkbookPart wbPart) 
      var value = cell.InnerText; 

      if (cell.DataType == null) 
       return value; 
      switch (cell.DataType.Value) 
       case CellValues.SharedString: 

        var stringTable = wbPart.GetPartsOfType<SharedStringTablePart>().FirstOrDefault(); 

        if (stringTable != null) 
         value = stringTable.SharedStringTable.ElementAt(int.Parse(value)).InnerText; 

      return value; 

     private void OpenFile(string filePath) 
      if (!File.Exists(filePath)) 
       throw new Exception(String.Format("Не удалось найти файл \"{0}\"!", filePath)); 
