struct symbolStruct { // a structure which is used to absorb info about a tag, its place in memory and related flags
char *name;
int place;
unsigned int isEntry : 1;
unsigned int isData : 1;
unsigned int isExternal : 1;
struct symbolStruct *next;
typedef struct { // a structure which is used to absorb info about the operand structure of an instruction line
unsigned int numOfOperands : 2;
unsigned int addrMethSou : 2;
unsigned int addrMethDest : 2;
unsigned int operation : 4;
unsigned int extraWords : 2;
char *firstOperand;
char *secondOperand;
} OperandType;
typedef struct {
unsigned int row : WORD_SIZE;
} int15;
struct MachineCode { // a structure which is used to absorb machine code lines, and their location in the assembly file
unsigned int row : WORD_SIZE;
unsigned int line;
OperandType *structure;
struct MachineCode *next;
struct DataCode { // a structure which is used to absorb data and string elements (signed numbers and ascii characters)
unsigned int row : WORD_SIZE;
struct DataCode *next;
struct Operation { /* the main operation structure, contains pointers to all used lists, the ic and dc counters, the
current line number which is dealt with and the error flag. */
unsigned int ic;
unsigned int dc;
struct symbolStruct *externHead; // a pointer to a linked list of extern tags used in the assembly file, and their locations
struct symbolStruct *symbolHead; // a pointer to a linked list of all tags
struct DataCode *dataHead; // a pointer to a linked list of all data/string elements
struct MachineCode *machineHead; // a pointer to a linked list of all machine code rows
int linenumber;
unsigned int errorflag : 1; // raised in case of an error which triggered a warning
#include "header.h"
void FirstRun(struct Operation*, char *);
void DataUpdate(struct symbolStruct*,int);
void SecondRun(struct Operation *, char *);
void Clear(struct Operation *);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
struct Operation programCore = {0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0};
for(i=1;i<argc;i++) {
char *fn = argv[i];
programCore.symbolHead = programCore.externHead = programCore.dataHead = programCore.machineHead = NULL;
if(argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr,"No files selected.\n");
return 0;
/*Used to empty the linked lists and allocated memory after the program has finished one iteration. */
void Clear(struct Operation *programCore) {
/*f(pointer name) is there to hold a pointer to the allocated memory which is about to be flushed. */
struct MachineCode *machineHead = programCore->machineHead, *fMachineHead;
struct DataCode *dataHead = programCore->dataHead, *fDataHead;
struct symbolStruct *externHead = programCore->externHead, *fExternHead;
struct symbolStruct *symbolHead = programCore->symbolHead, *fSymbolHead;
while(machineHead != NULL) {
fMachineHead = machineHead;
machineHead = machineHead->next;
if(fMachineHead->structure != NULL) {
if(fMachineHead->structure->numOfOperands == 2)
if(fMachineHead->structure->numOfOperands > 0)
while(dataHead != NULL) {
fDataHead = dataHead;
dataHead = dataHead->next;
while(externHead != NULL) {
fExternHead = externHead;
externHead = externHead->next;
while(symbolHead != NULL) {
fSymbolHead = symbolHead;
symbolHead = symbolHead->next;
programCore->ic = programCore->dc = programCore->linenumber = programCore->errorflag = 0;
你沒有說過你的代碼崩潰的地方 - 在調試器中運行它,你會看到它發生了什麼行。也可能會告訴你你需要解決的問題。 –
[off-topic]個人而言,我會使用(可變大小)數組,而不是表的鏈接列表。 – wildplasser
爲便於閱讀和理解:1)通過一個空白行分隔代碼塊(用於,如果,其他,同時,同時,切換,大小寫,默認)。 2)用2或3個空白行分開函數(保持一致)3)遵循以下公理:*每行只有一條語句和(最多)一條語句的變量聲明* – user3629249