2011-03-25 29 views





您是否在談論大小爲2的所有子集的集合? – 2011-03-25 05:31:49


是的,大小爲2的所有子集。 – 2011-03-25 14:51:29



像你說的,一類哈希碼 & 等於實施,並放置在HashSet的將完成你在找什麼。我並不知道JDK數據結構本身就是這樣做的。



final class Pair<A, B> { 
    private final A _first; 
    private final B _second; 

    public Pair(A first, B second) { 
     _first = first; 
     _second = second; 

    public int hashCode() { 
     int hashFirst = _first != null ? _first.hashCode() : 0; 
     int hashSecond = _second != null ? _second.hashCode() : 0; 
     return (hashFirst + hashSecond) * hashSecond + hashFirst; 

    public boolean equals(Object other) { 
     if (other instanceof Pair) { 
      Pair otherPair = (Pair) other; 
      return this._first == otherPair._first // 
        || (this._first != null // 
          && otherPair._first != null && this._first.equals(otherPair._first)) // 

        && this._second == otherPair._second // 
        || (this._second != null // 
          && otherPair._second != null && this._second.equals(otherPair._second)); 
     return false; 

    public String toString() { 
     return "(" + _first + ", " + _second + ")"; 

    public A getFirst() { 
     return _first; 

    public B getSecond() { 
     return _second; 

稱OP,「(a,b)的集合等同於(b,a)...」,但這似乎沒有提供。 – 2011-03-26 17:20:09


@Kevin:改變'hashCode'和'equals'來對待等於(b,a)的(a,b),就完成了。 (你可能會考慮從'AbstractSet'擴展到「pairs」)。) – 2011-03-26 19:04:15



它不需要同時在內存中原始集(或所有子集)的所有元素,但它並不是真的有效:在迭代器上調用next()仍然意味着迭代原始設置k-1次(如果k是想要的子集大小) - 幸運的是不是每次,大多數時候我們只需要一個迭代器上的單個next()(至少當kn相比較小時,基本集的大小)。當然,我們仍然需要在內存中擁有子集的k元素。

我們還必須假設所有迭代器都使用相同的順序,只要基礎集合沒有改變(並且我們不希望它在我們的一個迭代正在進行時發生改變)。如果Iterator接口允許克隆一個迭代器,例如在一個迭代器當前所在的位置開始第二個迭代器,這將更容易。 (我們現在使用scrollTo方法實現這一點。)對於排序的映射,這應該更容易(等待那裏的更新)。

package de.fencing_game.paul.examples; 

import java.util.*; 

* An unmodifiable set of all subsets of a given size of a given (finite) set. 
* Inspired by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5428417/idiom-for-getting-unique-pairs-of-collection-elements-in-java 
public class FiniteSubSets<X> 
    extends AbstractSet<Set<X>> { 

    private final Set<X> baseSet; 
    private final int subSize; 

    * creates a set of all subsets of a given size of a given set. 
    * @param baseSet the set whose subsets should be in this set. 
    * For this to work properly, the baseSet's iterators should iterate 
    * every time in the same order, as long as one iteration of this set 
    * is in progress. 
    * The baseSet does not need to be immutable, but it should not change 
    * while an iteration of this set is in progress. 
    * @param subSetSize 
    public FiniteSubSets(Set<X> baseSet, int subSetSize) { 
     this.baseSet = baseSet; 
     this.subSize = subSetSize; 

    * calculates the size of this set. 
    * This is the binomial coefficient. 
    public int size() { 
     int baseSize = baseSet.size(); 
     long size = binomialCoefficient(baseSize, subSize); 
     return (int)Math.min(size, Integer.MAX_VALUE); 

    public Iterator<Set<X>> iterator() { 
     if(subSize == 0) { 
      // our IteratorImpl does not work for k == 0. 
      return Collections.singleton(Collections.<X>emptySet()).iterator(); 
     return new IteratorImpl(); 

    * checks if some object is in this set. 
    * This implementation is optimized compared to 
    * the implementation from AbstractSet. 
    public boolean contains(Object o) { 
     return o instanceof Set && 
      ((Set)o).size() == subSize && 

    * The implementation of our iterator. 
    private class IteratorImpl implements Iterator<Set<X>> { 

     * A stack of iterators over the base set. 
     * We only ever manipulate the top one, the ones below only 
     * after the top one came to its end. 
     * The stack should be always full, except in the constructor or 
     * inside the {@link #step} method. 
     private Deque<Iterator<X>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Iterator<X>>(subSize); 
     * a linked list maintaining the current state of the iteration, i.e. 
     * the next subset. It is null when there is no next subset, but 
     * otherwise it should have always full length subSize (except when 
     * inside step method or constructor). 
     private Node current; 

     * constructor to create the stack of iterators and initial 
     * node. 
     IteratorImpl() { 
      try { 
       for(int i = 0; i < subSize; i++) { 
      catch(NoSuchElementException ex) { 
       current = null; 
      //  System.err.println("IteratorImpl() End, current: " + current); 

     * initializes one level of iterator and node. 
     * Only called from the constructor. 
     private void initOneIterator() { 
      Iterator<X> it = baseSet.iterator(); 
      if(current != null) { 
       scrollTo(it, current.element); 

      X element = it.next(); 
      current = new Node(current, element); 

     * gets the next element from the set (i.e. the next 
     * subset of the base set). 
     public Set<X> next() { 
      if(current == null) { 
       throw new NoSuchElementException(); 
      Set<X> result = new SubSetImpl(current); 
      return result; 

     * returns true if there are more elements. 
     public boolean hasNext() { 
      return current != null; 

     /** throws an exception. */ 
     public void remove() { 
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); 

     * Steps the iterator on the top of the stack to the 
     * next element, and store this in {@link #current}. 
     * If this iterator is already the end, we recursively 
     * step the iterator to the next element. 
     * If there are no more subsets at all, we set {@link #current} 
     * to null. 
     void step() { 
      Iterator<X> lastIt = stack.peek(); 
      current = current.next; 
      while(!lastIt.hasNext()) { 
       if(current == null) { 
        // no more elements in the first level iterator 
        // ==> no more subsets at all. 

       // last iterator has no more elements 
       // step iterator before and recreate last iterator. 
       assert current != null; 
       if(current == null) { 
        // after recursive call ==> at end of iteration. 
       assert current != null; 

       // new iterator at the top level 
       lastIt = baseSet.iterator(); 
       if(!scrollTo(lastIt, current.element)) { 
        // Element not available anymore => some problem occured 
        current = null; 
        throw new ConcurrentModificationException 
         ("Element " + current.element + " not found!"); 
      // now we know the top iterator has more elements 
      // ==> put the next one in `current`. 

      X lastElement = lastIt.next(); 
      current = new Node(current, lastElement); 

     } // step() 


    * helper method which scrolls an iterator to some element. 
    * @return true if the element was found, false if we came 
    * to the end of the iterator without finding the element. 
    private static <Y> boolean scrollTo(Iterator<? extends Y> it, Y element) { 
     while(it.hasNext()) { 
      Y itEl = it.next(); 
      if(itEl.equals(element)) { 
       return true; 
     return false; 

    * implementation of our subsets. 
    * These sets are really immutable (not only unmodifiable). 
    * We implement them with a simple linked list of nodes. 
    private class SubSetImpl extends AbstractSet<X> 
     private final Node node; 

     SubSetImpl(Node n) { 
      this.node = n; 

     * the size of this set. 
     public int size() { 
      return subSize; 

     * an iterator over our linked list. 
     public Iterator<X> iterator() { 
      return new Iterator<X>() { 
       private Node current = SubSetImpl.this.node; 
       public X next() { 
        if(current == null) { 
         throw new NoSuchElementException(); 
        X result = current.element; 
        current = current.next; 
        return result; 
       public boolean hasNext() { 
        return current != null; 
       public void remove() { 
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); 

    * A simple immutable node class, used to implement our iterator and 
    * the sets created by them. 
    * Two "neighbouring" subsets (i.e. which 
    * only differ by the first element) share most of the linked list, 
    * differing only in the first node. 
    private class Node { 
     Node(Node n, X e) { 
      this.next = n; 
      this.element = e; 

     final X element; 
     final Node next; 

     public String toString() { 
      return "[" + element + "]==>" + next; 

    * Calculates the binomial coefficient B(n,k), i.e. 
    * the number of subsets of size k in a set of size n. 
    * The algorithm is taken from the <a href="http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomialkoeffizient#Algorithmus_zur_effizienten_Berechnung">german wikipedia article</a>. 
    private static long binomialCoefficient(int n, int k) { 
     if(k < 0 || n < k) { 
      return 0; 
     final int n_minus_k = n - k; 
     if (k > n/2) { 
      return binomialCoefficient(n, n_minus_k); 
     long prod = 1; 
     for(int i = 1; i <= k; i++) { 
      prod = prod * (n_minus_k + i)/i; 
     return prod; 

    * Demonstrating test method. We print all subsets (sorted by size) of 
    * a set created from the command line parameters, or an example set, if 
    * there are no parameters. 
    public static void main(String[] params) { 
     Set<String> baseSet = 
      new HashSet<String>(params.length == 0 ? 
           Arrays.asList("Hello", "World", "this", 
               "is", "a", "Test"): 

     System.out.println("baseSet: " + baseSet); 

     for(int i = 0; i <= baseSet.size()+1; i++) { 
      Set<Set<String>> pSet = new FiniteSubSets<String>(baseSet, i); 
      System.out.println("subsets of size "+i+":"); 
      int count = 0; 
      for(Set<String> ss : pSet) { 
       System.out.println(" " + ss); 
      System.out.println("in total: " + count + ", " + pSet.size()); 


像往常一樣在這裏我更大的代碼示例,這is findable在我的github倉庫stackoverflow-examples了。