2017-04-13 93 views



Susan, Smith, 123 456 789 
101 Main Street 
Bob, Smith, 567 345 9076 
456 Market Street 


using namespace std; 

enum Title {Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, NA}; 

struct NameType { 
Title title; 
string firstName; 
string lastName; 

struct AddressType { 
    string street; 
    string city; 
    string state; 
    string zip; 

struct PhoneType { 
    int areaCode; 
    int prefix; 
    int number; 

    struct entryType { 
    NameType name; 
    AddressType address; 
    PhoneType phone; 

const int MAX_RECORDS = 50; 

struct addressBookType { 
    entryType record[MAX_RECORDS]; 
    int numEntries; 


string bookArray[MAX_RECORDS]; 

int main() 
    entryType userRecord; 
    string filename; 
    ifstream inData; 
    char searchOption; 

    OpenFile(filename, inData); 

    MainMenu(inData, filename); 

    return 0; 

void OpenFile(string& filename, ifstream& inData) 
    do { 
     cout << "Enter file name to open: "; 
     cin >> filename; 


    if (!inData) 
     cout << "File not found!" << endl; 

} while (!inData); 


     for(int i=0; i<MAX_RECORDS;i++) 
     inData>> bookArray[i]; 

// Searches passed file stream for a first name read from the user 

void SearchFirstName(ifstream& inData) 
    string searchName; 
    entryType userRecord; 
    string normalSearchName, normalFirstName; 
    char choice; 
    bool found = false; 

    cout << "Enter first name to search for: "; 
    cin >> searchName; 

    normalSearchName = NormalizeString(searchName);  // Convert name to all uppercase 

    // Loop through all records in the file 
    while (GetRecord(inData, userRecord)){ 

    normalFirstName = NormalizeString(userRecord.name.firstName); // Convert retrieved string to all uppercase 

    if (normalFirstName == normalSearchName) { // Requested name matches 
     cout << "Is this the correct entry? (Y/N)"; 
     cin >> choice; 
     choice = toupper(choice); 
     cout << endl; 

     if (choice == 'Y') { 
      found = true; 

// Matching name was found before the end of the file 
if (inData && !found){ 
    cout << "Record found: " << endl; 
    cout << endl; 
else if (!found) // End of file. Name not found. 
    cout << searchName << " not found!" << endl << endl; 

// Clear file fail state and return to beginning 


void SearchFirstName(ifstream& inData) 
    string searchName; 
    entryType userRecord; 

cout << "Enter first name to search for: "; 
cin >> searchName; 

string newSearchName = NormalizeString(searchName); 
string upFirst = NormalizeString(userRecord.name.firstName); 

for (int i=0;i<MAX_RECORDS;i++) 
    while(newSearchName == upFirst) 
     if (bookArray[i]== upFirst) 
      cout<<"Name Found"; 
      cout <<bookArray[i]; //test case 


你在哪裏遇到問題? – chbchb55


@ chbchb55我編輯了我的問題以顯示我所嘗試的內容。我的代碼沒有正確循環SearchFirstName函數中的數組。 – Taylor


  1. 創建你的數組,在這種情況下,它將是一個std::vector,因爲它更簡單易用,通過在while循環中運行GetRecord函數並將結果附加到向量w/vector_variable_name.push_back(NormalizeString(value_returned_from_GetRecord));NormalizeString部分是你不必在數十億次後調用它。
  2. 通過您的陣列中,像這樣void SearchFirstName(std::vector<entryType> *in_data_arr>)
  3. 更改while循環到for循環:for (int i = 0; i < in_data_arr.size(); i++) {
  4. 裏面的循環變化normalSearchName = NormalizeString(searchName);normalSearchName = in_data_arr[i].name.firstName;



有沒有辦法做到這一點,而不使用向量 – Taylor


是的,你有兩個選擇:使用GetRecord動態分配字符串數組(你將不得不重新分配它幾次),或者只是將其全部存儲在一個字符串然後找出有多少條記錄,然後根據其大小創建一個數組,然後手動將所有內容加載到for循環中 – chbchb55


我建議使用向量,它只需要一個,如果您真的需要一個數組,它非常簡單的做出一個矢量陣列! – chbchb55