/* This code is executed after the DOM has been completely loaded */
$.fn.tzineClock = function(opts){
// "this" contains the elements that were selected when calling the plugin: $('elements').tzineClock();
// If the selector returned more than one element, use the first one:
var container = this.eq(0);
console.log("Invalid selector!");
} catch(e){}
return false;
if(!opts) opts = {};
var defaults = {
/* Additional options will be added in future versions of the plugin. */
/* Merging the provided options with the default ones (will be used in future versions of the plugin): */
opts[k] = opts[k] || defaults[k];
// Calling the setUp function and passing the container,
// will be available to the setUp function as "this":
return this;
哪個功能?當你試圖打電話給tzineClock?你能告訴我們調用它的代碼嗎? – Rup
$(文件)。就緒(函數(){ \t/*這個代碼在DOM之後執行已被完全裝入*/ \t $( '#fancyClock')tzineClock(); }); – Nagarajan
我只在這裏打電話 – Nagarajan