智能感知區分功能:從「的std :: string」沒有合適的轉換功能,以「雙重」存在
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//Global Constants
const double BMI_FACTOR = 703;
const double MASS_LOWER_LIMIT = 18.5;
const double MASS_UPPER_LIMIT = 25.0;
//Function Prototypes
double getWeight();
double getHeight();
double setMass(double, double);
string setOverUnder(double);
void showBMI(string, double);
//Begin Main
int main() {
//Variable Declaration
double weight;
double height;
double BMI; //Body Mass Index
string healthStatus; //Either Optimal, Under, or Over-weight
//Get the user's weight
weight = getWeight();
//Get the user's height
height = getHeight();
//Calculate the user's BMI
BMI = setMass(weight, height);
//Determine the user's health status based on BMI
healthStatus = setOverUnder(BMI);
//Displays the user's BMI and health status
showBMI(healthStatus, BMI);
return 0;
//End Main
//Function getWeight
double getWeight() {
//Local Variable Declaration
double totalWeight;
//User Input for Weight
cout << "Enter weight in pounds." << endl;
cin >> totalWeight;
//Return the value for totalWeight to caller
return totalWeight;
//End Function getWeight
//Function getHeight
double getHeight() {
//Local Variable Declaration
double totalHeight;
//User Input for Height
cout << "Enter height in inches." << endl;
cin >> totalHeight;
//Return the value for totalHeight to caller
return totalHeight;
//End Function getHeight
//Function setMass
double setMass(double localVarWeight, double localVarHeight) {
//Local Variable Declaration
double totalMass;
//Calculate the user's BMI
totalMass = (localVarWeight * BMI_FACTOR)/(localVarHeight * localVarHeight);
//Return the value of totalMass to the caller
return totalMass;
//End Function setMass
//Function setOverUnder
double setOverUnder(double localVarMass) {
//Local Variable Declaration
string wellBeing;
//Determine user's health
if (localVarMass < MASS_LOWER_LIMIT)
wellBeing = string("underweight.");
else if (localVarMass > MASS_UPPER_LIMIT)
wellBeing = string("overweight.");
wellBeing = string("optimal weight.");
//Return the value of wellBeing to the caller
return wellBeing;
//End Function setOverUnder
//Function showBMI
void showBMI(string localVarHealth, double localVarMass) {
//Display user's BMI
cout << "Your BMI is " << localVarMass << endl;
//Display user's health status
cout << "You are " << localVarHealth << endl;
//End Function showBMI
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