2016-04-01 74 views


Mass(10^24kg) 0.33 4.87 5.97 0.642 1898 568 86.8 102 0.0146 
Diameter(km) 4879 12104 12756 6792 142984 120536 51118 49528 2370 
Density(kg/m^3) 5427 5243 5514 3933 1326 687 1271 1638 2095 
Gravity(m/s^2) 3.7 8.9 9.8 3.7 23.1 9 8.7 11 0.7 
Escape_Velocity(km/s) 4.3 10.4 11.2 5 59.5 35.5 21.3 23.5 1.3 
Rotation_Period(hours) 1407.6 -5832.5 23.9 24.6 9.9 10.7 -17.2 16.1 -153.3 

那裏有20類的值(質量,直徑,密度...) 和9顆行星。

我試圖將數據讀入struct planet與20個組件(質量,直徑,密度等),它編譯,但我不能打印輸出中的任何結構組件(如p[2].A ),所以它看起來並不像我甚至從文件中讀取數據(我確實將它保存在正確的位置)。因爲我想讀列入struct,這是一個有點亂......

typedef struct {char A[30]; char B[10]; char C[10]; float D; char E[10]; char F[10]; char G[10]; char H[10]; char I[10]; char J[10]; char K[10]; char L[10]; char M[10]; char N[10]; char O[10]; char P[10]; char Q[10]; char R[10]; char S[10]; char T[4]; char U[4];}planet; 

int main(void) { 
FILE * fp; 
FILE * fs; 
int i=0, j=0; 
planet p[9]; 
char label[20][30]; 
char x[20][30]; 

fp=fopen("planets.txt", "r"); 
if (fp==NULL)printf("ERROR\n"); 

for(j=0; j<9; i++){        //this for loop read the planet names 
    fscanf(fp, "%s", p[i].A); 

for(i=0; i<20; i++){       //this for loop counts the rows and reads the labels 
    fscanf(fp, "%s", label[i]);     //label[0] corresponds to .B values 
    for(j=0; j<9; j++){       //this for loop reads values across the rows and assigns them to the labels 
     fscanf(fp, "%s", x[j]); 
     if (i==0)strcpy(p[j].B, x[j]); 
     else if (i==1) strcpy(p[j].C, x[j]); 
     else if (i==2){ 
     else if (i==3) strcpy(p[j].E, x[j]); 
     else if (i==4) strcpy(p[j].F, x[j]); 
     else if (i==5) strcpy(p[j].G, x[j]); 
     else if (i==6) strcpy(p[j].H, x[j]); 
     else if (i==7) strcpy(p[j].I, x[j]); 
     else if (i==8) strcpy(p[j].J, x[j]); 
     else if (i==9) strcpy(p[j].K, x[j]); 
     else if (i==10) strcpy(p[j].L, x[j]); 
     else if (i==11) strcpy(p[j].M, x[j]); 
     else if (i==12) strcpy(p[j].N, x[j]); 
     else if (i==13) strcpy(p[j].O, x[j]); 
     else if (i==14) strcpy(p[j].P, x[j]); 
     else if (i==15) strcpy(p[j].Q, x[j]); 
     else if (i==16) strcpy(p[j].R, x[j]); 
     else if (i==17) strcpy(p[j].S, x[j]); 
     else if (i==18) strcpy(p[j].T, x[j]); 
     else if (i==19) strcpy(p[j].U, x[j]); 




數據是否真的缺少第一行的標記'planet'或'name'?你的結構佈局是可惡的;白色空間很便宜,應該使用。結構元素的名稱是不透明的。目前尚不清楚爲什麼元素D是'float'時,其他所有元素都是'char'。你應該有一個'NUM_PLANETS'而不是9個(有趣的是冥王星已經恢復爲行星)。我不清楚你是如何跳過逗號的。你有沒有添加打印? –


對不起,這些逗號實際上並不在表格中,我只是將它鍵入來分隔事物。元素D(密度)是一個浮點數,因爲它是唯一被用作排序結構值的元素(我需要重新打印表格但行星按降密度排序)。其餘的元素無關緊要,所以我將它們作爲字符串讀取,以便我可以在新表格中重新打印它們。 我寫了一切排序和fprinft到另一個文件,我也試圖只是printf它直接退出,但沒有得到任何 – ari


是的,它缺少第一行的標籤 – ari




for (j = 0; j < 9; i++) 


for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) 
     if (fscanf(fp, "%s", p[j].A) != 1) 
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to scan a planet name\n"); 
      return 1; 
     printf("Planet name: [%s]\n", p[j].A); 

for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)循環有問題太多:

for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) 
     printf("Line %d\n", i+2); 
     if (fscanf(fp, "%s", label[i]) != 1) 
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read a label\n"); 
      return 1; 
     for (j = 0; j < 9; j++)     // this for loop reads values across the rows and assigns them to the labels 
      if (fscanf(fp, "%s", x[j]) != 1) 
       fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read value for %s\n", p[j].A); 
       return 1; 
      printf("Value: [%s] for %s\n", x[j], p[j].A); 
      if (i == 0) 
       strcpy(p[j].B, x[j]); 



#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h> 

typedef struct 
    char A[30]; 
    char B[10]; 
    char C[10]; 
    float D; 
    char E[10]; 
    char F[10]; 
    char G[10]; 
    char H[10]; 
    char I[10]; 
    char J[10]; 
    char K[10]; 
    char L[10]; 
    char M[10]; 
    char N[10]; 
    char O[10]; 
    char P[10]; 
    char Q[10]; 
    char R[10]; 
    char S[10]; 
    char T[4]; 
    char U[4]; 
} planet; 

int main(void) 
    FILE *fp; 
    int i = 0, j = 0; 
    planet p[9]; 
    char label[20][30]; 
    char x[20][30]; 
    const char filename[] = "planets.txt"; 

    fp = fopen(filename, "r"); 
    if (fp == NULL) 
     fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file %s\n", filename); 
     return 1; 

    for (j = 0; j < 9; j++)      // this for loop read the planet names 
     if (fscanf(fp, "%s", p[j].A) != 1) 
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to scan a planet name\n"); 
      return 1; 
     printf("Planet name: [%s]\n", p[j].A); 

    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)     // this for loop counts the rows and reads the labels 
     printf("Line %d\n", i+2); 
     if (fscanf(fp, "%s", label[i]) != 1) 
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read a label\n"); 
      return 1; 
     printf("Label: [%s]\n", label[i]); 
     for (j = 0; j < 9; j++)     // this for loop reads values across the rows and assigns them to the labels 
      if (fscanf(fp, "%s", x[j]) != 1) 
       fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read value for %s\n", p[j].A); 
       return 1; 
      printf("Value: [%s] for %s\n", x[j], p[j].A); 
      if (i == 0) 
       strcpy(p[j].B, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 1) 
       strcpy(p[j].C, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 2) 
       p[j].D = atof(x[j]); 
      else if (i == 3) 
       strcpy(p[j].E, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 4) 
       strcpy(p[j].F, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 5) 
       strcpy(p[j].G, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 6) 
       strcpy(p[j].H, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 7) 
       strcpy(p[j].I, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 8) 
       strcpy(p[j].J, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 9) 
       strcpy(p[j].K, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 10) 
       strcpy(p[j].L, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 11) 
       strcpy(p[j].M, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 12) 
       strcpy(p[j].N, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 13) 
       strcpy(p[j].O, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 14) 
       strcpy(p[j].P, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 15) 
       strcpy(p[j].Q, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 16) 
       strcpy(p[j].R, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 17) 
       strcpy(p[j].S, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 18) 
       strcpy(p[j].T, x[j]); 
      else if (i == 19) 
       strcpy(p[j].U, x[j]); 



Planet name: [MERCURY] 
Planet name: [VENUS] 
Planet name: [EARTH] 
Planet name: [MARS] 
Planet name: [JUPITER] 
Planet name: [SATURN] 
Planet name: [URANUS] 
Planet name: [NEPTUNE] 
Planet name: [PLUTO] 
Line 2 
Label: [Mass(10^24kg)] 
Value: [0.33] for MERCURY 
Value: [4.87] for VENUS 
Value: [5.97] for EARTH 
Value: [0.642] for MARS 
Value: [1898] for JUPITER 
Value: [568] for SATURN 
Value: [86.8] for URANUS 
Value: [102] for NEPTUNE 
Value: [0.0146] for PLUTO 
Line 3 
Label: [Diameter(km)] 
Value: [4879] for MERCURY 
Value: [12104] for VENUS 
Value: [12756] for EARTH 
Value: [6792] for MARS 
Value: [142984] for JUPITER 
Value: [120536] for SATURN 
Value: [51118] for URANUS 
Value: [49528] for NEPTUNE 
Value: [2370] for PLUTO 
Line 4 
Label: [Density(kg/m^3)] 
Value: [5427] for MERCURY 
Value: [5243] for VENUS 
Value: [5514] for EARTH 
Value: [3933] for MARS 
Value: [1326] for JUPITER 
Value: [687] for SATURN 
Value: [1271] for URANUS 
Value: [1638] for NEPTUNE 
Value: [2095] for PLUTO 
Line 5 
Label: [Gravity(m/s^2)] 
Value: [3.7] for MERCURY 
Value: [8.9] for VENUS 
Value: [9.8] for EARTH 
Value: [3.7] for MARS 
Value: [23.1] for JUPITER 
Value: [9] for SATURN 
Value: [8.7] for URANUS 
Value: [11] for NEPTUNE 
Value: [0.7] for PLUTO 
Line 6 
Label: [Escape_Velocity(km/s)] 
Value: [4.3] for MERCURY 
Value: [10.4] for VENUS 
Value: [11.2] for EARTH 
Value: [5] for MARS 
Value: [59.5] for JUPITER 
Value: [35.5] for SATURN 
Value: [21.3] for URANUS 
Value: [23.5] for NEPTUNE 
Value: [1.3] for PLUTO 
Line 7 
Label: [Rotation_Period(hours)] 
Value: [1407.6] for MERCURY 
Value: [-5832.5] for VENUS 
Value: [23.9] for EARTH 
Value: [24.6] for MARS 
Value: [9.9] for JUPITER 
Value: [10.7] for SATURN 
Value: [-17.2] for URANUS 
Value: [16.1] for NEPTUNE 
Value: [-153.3] for PLUTO 
