我想選擇不同sensornodes的不同MAX(值)。我的問題是,WHERE ... IN ...子句的工作原理與許多邏輯「OR」類似,但我需要每個sensornode的MAX($ measure)。我知道如何用循環做到這一點,但我認爲有一個更好的解決方案來做到這一點。根據陣列選擇不同的MAX(值)
ID humidity temperature date time sensornode
---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 22.00% 18.00C 06/03/2017 13:07:18 WSN1
2 22.00% 18.00C 06/03/2017 13:08:19 WSN2
3 34.00% 21.00C 06/03/2017 13:09:19 WSN3
4 21.00% 20.00C 06/03/2017 13:10:19 WSN4
$measure //is either 'temperature' or 'humidity', depends on the users input.
$sensornode // is a string which is converted with the implode-function from an array which includes the selected 'sensornodes' of the users input
$sql_query = "SELECT MAX($measure) AS $measure
FROM measurement
WHERE sensornode IN ('$sensornode')";
$data = executeQuery($sql_query, $measure);