2016-04-01 20 views

在ASP.NET Web API項目中,我想要加密所有響應中的所有實體ID並解密所有請求中的加密值。ASP.NET Web API中的簡單屬性上的自定義類型轉換器




public class Person 
    public int PersonID {get; set;} 

    public string Name {get; set;} 

    public IEnumerable<Order> Orders {get; set;} 

public class Order 
    public long OrderID {get; set;} 

    public string Title {get; set;} 

    public float Price {get; set;} 
在Web API方法


// GET: api/persons/xhj$j78dPs (xhj$j78dPs is an encrypted PersonID)  

public Person Get([EncryptDecrypt]int personId) 
    // Now, I expect personId to be a normal ID, like: 187356 

    Person person = _repository.GetPerson(personId); 

    return person; 


    "personId": "xhj$j78dPs", 
    "name": "Joe Williams", 
    "orders": [ 
     "orderId": "a#jd75mlzed0ihd", 
     "title": "Buying a new item", 
     "price": 19.99 

這又是一個例子,這次是用於PUT動詞的Web API:

/* PUT Request body: */ 
    "orderId": "a#jd75mlzed0ihd", 
    "title": "Buying a new item - edited", 
    "price": 13.00 

相關的Web API方法:

// PUT: api/persons/xhj$j78dPs/orders/ (xhj$j78dPs is an encrypted PersonID) 

public void Put([EncryptDecrypt]int personId, Order editedOrder) 
    // I expect personId to be a normal ID, like: 187356 

    // I expect editedOrder.OrderID to be a normal ID, like: 10000089765 

    _repository.UpdateOrder(personId, editedOrder); 


[EncryptDecrypt]實際上應該是JsonConverter attribute?或者我應該開發一個自定義的Media Formatter或模型聯編程序或值提供程序或參數聯編程序?我很困惑。


會是這樣的工作? http://www.codemag.com/article/0307041 – Namrehs


請參閱[如何在序列化我的對象時加密選定的屬性?](http://stackoverflow.com/q/29196809/10263)瞭解如何處理它的序列化結束。你必須定製它,因爲你希望它能處理數字屬性而不是字符串。對於Web API參數處理,我想你會想創建一個自定義Web API「IValueProvider」和「ValueProviderFactory」。看看這裏:http://www.asp。淨/ Web的API /概要/格式和 - 模型綁定/參數結合功能於ASPNET的Web-API –





你需要開發一些; (de)序列化JSON數據的定製JsonConverter以及用於將(加密的int/long)值綁定到端點參數的定製ModelBinder


public class EncryptDecrypt : JsonConverter, IModelBinder 
    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) 
    return typeof(int).IsAssignableFrom(objectType) || 

    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) 
    // Deserialize the provided value as string 
    // and decrypt it to its exprected int/long type 
    var value = serializer.Deserialize<string>(reader); 
    return Decrypt(value, objectType); 

    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer) 
    // obviously Encrypt() should convert the int/ long value 
    // to its encrypted string representation. 
    var encrypted = Encrypt(value); 

    public bool BindModel(HttpActionContext actionContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext) 
    if (!CanConvert(bindingContext.ModelType)) return false; 

    var val = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName); 
    if (val == null) return false; 

    // bindingContext.ModelType should tell us whether the decrypted value 
    // is expected as an int/ long. 
    var decrypted = Decrypt(val.RawValue as string, bindingContext.ModelType); 
    if (decrypted != null) 
     bindingContext.Model = decrypted; 
     return true; 

    bindingContext.ModelState.AddModelError(bindingContext.ModelName, "Cannot convert value"); 
    return false; 


public class Person 
    public int PersonID { get; set; } 

    public string Name { get; set; } 

    public IEnumerable<Order> Orders { get; set; } 

public class Order 
    public long OrderID { get; set; } 

    public string Title { get; set; } 

    public float Price { get; set; } 

至於在Web API方法,你需要來裝飾它像這樣:

public IHttpActionResult Get([ModelBinder(typeof(EncryptDecrypt))] int personId) 
    // Now, I expect personId to be a normal ID, like: 187356 
    Person person = _repository.GetPerson(personId); 

    return Json(person); 

public void Put([ModelBinder(typeof(EncryptDecrypt))] int personId, Order editedOrder) 
    // I expect personId to be a normal ID, like: 187356 
    // I expect editedOrder.OrderID to be a normal ID, like: 10000089765 

    _repository.UpdateOrder(personId, editedOrder); 