2011-10-29 38 views


我的代碼目前能夠很好地檢測帶引號的部分和註釋,然後匹配大括號,括號和parens(當然,不要被引號和註釋混淆,或者在引號內轉義) 。這是我需要它做的,它做得很好......只有一個例外:



function getRegExpLiterals (stringOfJavascriptCode) { 
    var output = []; 
    // todo! 
    return output; 

var jsString = "var regexp1 = /abcd/g, regexp1 = /efg/;" 
console.log (getRegExpLiterals (jsString)); 

// should print: 
// [{startIndex: 13, length: 7}, {startIndex: 32, length: 5}] 

任何正則表達式文字開始位?如果你只是想要那些容易做到的事情。 – FailedDev


我需要確定它是一個正則表達式,因此只需查找斜槓就不會這樣做。 – rob




,其確定/是否開始一個正則表達式中guess_is_regexp.js並且測試在scanner_test.js line 401

    "^(?:" // Match the whole tokens below 
    + "break" 
    + "|case" 
    + "|continue" 
    + "|delete" 
    + "|do" 
    + "|else" 
    + "|finally" 
    + "|in" 
    + "|instanceof" 
    + "|return" 
    + "|throw" 
    + "|try" 
    + "|typeof" 
    + "|void" 
    // Binary operators which cannot be followed by a division operator. 
    + "|[+]" // Match + but not ++. += is handled below. 
    + "|-" // Match - but not --. -= is handled below. 
    + "|[.]" // Match . but not a number with a trailing decimal. 
    + "|[/]" // Match /, but not a regexp. /= is handled below. 
    + "|," // Second binary operand cannot start a division. 
    + "|[*]" // Ditto binary operand. 
    + ")$" 
    // Or match a token that ends with one of the characters below to match 
    // a variety of punctuation tokens. 
    // Some of the single char tokens could go above, but putting them below 
    // allows closure-compiler's regex optimizer to do a better job. 
    // The right column explains why the terminal character to the left can only 
    // precede a regexp. 
    + "|[" 
    + "!" // !   prefix operator operand cannot start with a division 
    + "%" // %   second binary operand cannot start with a division 
    + "&" // &, &&  ditto binary operand 
    + "(" // (   expression cannot start with a division 
    + ":" // :   property value, labelled statement, and operand of ?: 
      //    cannot start with a division 
    + ";" // ;   statement & for condition cannot start with division 
    + "<" // <, <<, << ditto binary operand 
    // !=, !==, %=, &&=, &=, *=, +=, -=, /=, <<=, <=, =, ==, ===, >=, >>=, >>>=, 
    // ^=, |=, ||= 
    // All are binary operands (assignment ops or comparisons) whose right 
    // operand cannot start with a division operator 
    + "=" 
    + ">" // >, >>, >>> ditto binary operand 
    + "?" // ?   expression in ?: cannot start with a division operator 
    + "[" // [   first array value & key expression cannot start with 
      //    a division 
    + "^" //^   ditto binary operand 
    + "{" // {   statement in block and object property key cannot start 
      //    with a division 
    + "|" // |, ||  ditto binary operand 
    + "}" // }   PROBLEMATIC: could be an object literal divided or 
      //    a block. More likely to be start of a statement after 
      //    a block which cannot start with a /. 
    + "~" // ~   ditto binary operand 
    + "]$" 
    // The exclusion of ++ and -- from the above is also problematic. 
    // Both are prefix and postfix operators. 
    // Given that there is rarely a good reason to increment a regular expression 
    // and good reason to have a post-increment operator as the left operand of 
    // a division (x++/y) this pattern treats ++ and -- as division preceders. 

感謝邁克,我很可能將來會用完整的詞法分析器,這是一件令人印象深刻的工作(正如您也寫過的,並且我已廣泛使用的美化劑) – rob


@rob,不客氣。快樂樂興。 –
