我得到了用方法制作的小型tic tac腳趾。但它不能按預期工作。在3行之後,它不立即退出循環,而是再執行一次,然後結束它。雖然循環使得一個循環後擊中休息
while(1){ // infinite loop until someone has won, or the board is full
game.printBoard(); //prints the board
game.move(); // player enters a move
if(game.checkWin()) //returns 1 if there are 3 in row by same mark or 0 if
// the condition is not met
} // end of while loop
bool TicTacToe::checkWin() //this function belongs to a calss
//checks for 3 in row 1-2-3 by the same mark, this is made for all combinations
if(_board[0] == _turn && _board[1] == _turn && _board[2] == _turn)
cout << _turn << " has won the match by: 1-2-3\n";
return 1; // returns 1 meaning that somebody has won
...... //same code as above but with different positions
return 0 // returns 0 meaning that nobody has met the winning conditions
} // ends of the function
編輯: 一些休息的代碼
class TicTacToe
void setBoard(); //sets the board
void printBoard(); //prints the board
void move(); // user makes a move
bool checkInput(); // checking whether the move is valid
bool checkWin(); //chekcs for win
char _turn = 'X'; // players turn
char _board[9]; // the board
int _position; // the int used for cin
void TicTacToe::move() // user is about to enter a move
if(checkInput()) // let user enter a valid move
_board[_position - 1] = _turn; // setting the board to it's mark
(_turn == 'X')? _turn = 'O': _turn = 'X'; // switching from X to O and vice versa
bool TicTacToe::checkInput() // function called only with the TicTacToe::move() function
cout << "It is " << _turn << " turn!\n";
cout << "Please enter one of the available squares!\n";
cin >> _position;
if (!(_position >= 1 && _position <= 9))
cout << "Error! Invalid input!\n";
return 0; //meaning the user is not allowed to enter that position
else if(_board[_position - 1] != '_')
cout << "Error! There is already a mark!\nPlease enter another square!\n";
return 0; //meaning the user is not allowed to enter that position
return 1; //means that position is valid and proceeds to change the board
} // end of the function
int main()
cout << "Welcome to TicTacToe!\n";
TicTacToe game;
....... // some code already shown above
} // end of while loop
cout << "Thank you for playing!\n";
return 0;
猜測是某些其他「不同的位置」不正確地執行檢查或忘記返回1. –
添加更多('cout')語句以幫助您進行調試。特別是在每個函數的'return'語句附近,以顯示實際返回的內容。或者使用IDE的調試器來遍歷代碼。 – selbie
它們完全一樣,但在_board上的位置不同。但是,即使在上面代碼中給出的位置上有3個標記,它也不會立即退出循環。 – AleksandarAngelov