2010-06-29 37 views

我在Python 3中編程,我遇到了一個小問題,我在網上找不到任何對它的引用。在Python 3中從utf-16轉換爲utf-8

據我所知,默認字符串是utf-16,但我必須使用utf-8,我找不到將從默認字符串轉換爲utf-8的命令。 非常感謝您的幫助。



在Python 3中,有兩種不同的數據類型在使用字符串操作時很重要。首先是字符串類,它是一個表示unicode代碼點的對象。重要的是這個字符串不是一些字節,而是一串字符。其次,有字節類,它只是一個字節序列,通常表示存儲在編碼中的字符串(如utf-8或iso-8859-15)。


def main(): 
    # Let's first open an output file. See how we give an encoding to let python know, that when we print something to the file, it should be encoded as utf-8 
    with open('output_file', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as out_file: 
     # read every line. We give open() the encoding so it will return a Unicode string. 
     for line in open('input_file', encoding='utf-8'): 
      #Replace the characters we want. When you define a string in python it also is automatically a unicode string. No worries about encoding there. Because we opened the file with the utf-8 encoding, the print statement will encode the whole string to utf-8. 
      print(line.replace('ć', 'ç'), out_file) 



def main(): 
    # Open the file in binary mode. So we are going to write bytes to it instead of strings 
    with open('output_file', 'wb') as out_file: 
     # read every line. Again, we open it binary, so we get bytes 
     for line_bytes in open('input_file', 'rb'): 
      #Convert the bytes to a string 
      line_string = bytes.decode('utf-8') 
      #Replace the characters we want. 
      line_string = line_string.replace('ć', 'ç') 
      #Make a bytes to print 
      out_bytes = line_string.encode('utf-8') 
      #Print the bytes 
      print(out_bytes, out_file) 



(PS正如你看到的,我並沒有提及在這個崗位UTF-16其實我不知道蟒蛇是否使用這個內部解碼或不是,但它是完全不相干的。 。目前你正在使用一個字符串,你使用字符(代碼點),而不是字節。


Python確實使用UTF-16作爲Windows的內部編碼在Linux上,它使用UTF-32 – dan04 2010-06-30 01:33:32


hi , 感謝您的回答。 Dan04你知道怎麼才能告訴它只使用utf-8? – idan 2010-07-16 09:07:48


@idan你爲什麼要這麼做?無論如何,它是不可能,除非你自己修改和重新編譯Python ... – 2010-07-16 09:23:34