2017-05-30 39 views

我想更改ngx圖表,方法是將其從Dom更改並在屬性綁定中插入新圖表,但更改Dom由[innerHTML] = stringVar完成;但如果我的stringVar裏面是ngx-chart元素,它不會呈現它。ngx-charts:通過更新具有屬性綁定的dom元素來更改圖表

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; 
import { NgxChartsModule } from '@swimlane/ngx-charts'; 

import { single, multi } from '../../shared/data'; 
import { CHARTS } from '../../shared/mock-charts'; 

selector: 'app-chart-graph', 
template: '<div [innerHTML]="ChartGraph"></div>', 
styleUrls: ['./chart-graph.component.css'] 
export class ChartGraphComponent implements OnInit { 
ChartGraph = `<ngx-charts-bar-vertical 

single: any[]; 
multi: any[]; 
CHARTS: any[]; 

// options 
showXAxis = true; 
showYAxis = true; 
gradient = false; 
showLegend = true; 
showXAxisLabel = true; 
xAxisLabel = 'Country'; 
showYAxisLabel = true; 
yAxisLabel = 'Population'; 

colorScheme = { 
domain: ['#5AA454', '#A10A28', '#C7B42C', '#AAAAAA'] 

constructor() { 
Object.assign(this, { single, multi }); 

onSelect(event) { 

ngOnInit() { 




It's not work with property binding just do like add that in template for good practice. 

     selector: 'app-chart-graph', 
     styleUrls: ['./chart-graph.component.css'], 
     template: '<ngx-charts-bar-vertical 

    export class ChartGraphComponent implements OnInit { 
     single: any[]; 
     multi: any[]; 
     CHARTS: any[]; 

    // options 
    showXAxis = true; 
    showYAxis = true; 
    gradient = false; 
    showLegend = true; 
    showXAxisLabel = true; 
    xAxisLabel = 'Country'; 
    showYAxisLabel = true; 
    yAxisLabel = 'Population'; 

    //remaining code 


//you can also add @input() in graph component options pass them in like 
    <app-chart-graph [width]="" [height]="" [data]=""..></app-chart-graph> 

感謝亞拉添加這一點,但過一個組成部分,我想通過另一個圖表動態地改變分量零件。 – Adnan


然後使用更改檢測另一個圖表,當該圖表更改它會自動更改,檢查更改檢測https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41726875/angular2-input-change-detection –
