2017-04-11 31 views

我想從下面的活躍機會,所有的聯繫人是我的SugarCRM API v4的請求SugarCRM的訪問被拒絕40號

    "query":"contacts.id IN (
     SELECT opportunities_contacts.contact_id 
     FROM opportunities_contacts 
     JOIN opportunities 
     ON opportunities_contacts.opportunity_id = opportunities.id 
     WHERE opportunities.sales_stage 
     NOT IN ('Closed Won','Closed Lost'))", 


{"name":"Access Denied","number":40,"description":"You do not have access"}



看起來像一個身份驗證問題。做任何簡單的請求都有效嗎?我認爲如果你還沒有這樣做,你需要用MD5來散列你的密碼。 – MartinTawse


我使用MD5進行密碼散列 – Jagan




class AtRiskApi extends SugarApi 
    // This function is only called whenever the rest service cache file is deleted. 
    // This shoud return an array of arrays that define how different paths map to different functions 
    public function registerApiRest() { 
     return array(
      'getAtRisk' => array(
       // What type of HTTP request to match against, we support GET/PUT/POST/DELETE 
       'reqType' => 'GET', 
       // This is the path you are hoping to match, it also accepts wildcards of ? and <module> 
       'path' => array('Accounts', 'at_risk'), 
       // These take elements from the path and use them to populate $args 
       'pathVars' => array('', ''), 
       // This is the method name in this class that the url maps to 
       'method' => 'getAtRisk', 
       // The shortHelp is vital, without it you will not see your endpoint in the /help 
       'shortHelp' => 'Lists at risk accounts in the system', 
       // The longHelp points to an HTML file and will be there on /help for people to expand and show 
       'longHelp' => '', 

    function getAtRisk($api, $args) 
     // Start off with something simple so we can verify the endpoint is registered. 
     return 'burgers'; 


Read me ...


謝謝Amitesh我會研究這個。 – Jagan


如果它可以幫助你upvote並接受答案。 –


這是針對v10 API的,但問題在於v4。 – MartinTawse