2017-02-22 44 views

點擊MapView的調出註釋可見當用戶移動所述地圖畫面到其中銷靠近屏幕的邊緣處結束了,請觀察鏈接圖像(底部,下文)夫特 - 製作時銷註釋由用戶




二,如果實現了MKMapViewDelegate擴展,在mapView didSelect視圖方法中實現相同功能的最明智的方法是什麼?





func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) { 
    // if view.frame is too close to the edges of the MKMapView, triggered your desired method 



weak var tappedAnnotationView: MKAnnotationView? 

func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) { 
    self.tappedAnnotationView = view // this property will only be non-nil for 0.1 seconds 
    DispatchQueue.global().asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) { 
     self.tappedAnnotationView = nil 

func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, regionWillChangeAnimated animated: Bool) { 
    if self.tappedAnnotationView != nil { 
     print("map adjusted due to tap on an annotation view") 



感謝您花時間回覆。我很感激。 –



func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) { 

    // Get Coordinate for Selected Map Pin 
    let selectedPinCoordinate = (view.annotation?.coordinate)! 

    // Determine (X,Y) coordinates for Selected Map Pin on view (mapView) 
    let SelectedPinMapPoint = mapView.convert(selectedPinCoordinate, toPointTo: mapView) 

    // Determine (X,Y) coordinate for center point of view (mapView) 
    let mapCenterMapPoint = mapView.convert(mapView.centerCoordinate, toPointTo: mapView) 

    // Define an inner view within the existing view frame. Any Selected Map Pin outside 
    // bounds of inner view is deemed to be too close to the edge of the map for the callout 
    // to be fully viewable by the user 
    let innerRectFrameMinX = mapView.frame.maxX * 0.15 
    let innerRectFrameMaxX = mapView.frame.maxX * 0.85 
    let innerRectFrameMinY = mapView.frame.maxY * 0.30 
    let innerRectFrameMaxY = mapView.frame.maxY * 0.85 

    // Create a variable which will serve as the new center (X,Y) coordinate 
    var newCenter = CGPoint() 

    // Default new center (X,Y) coordinate to current view (X,Y) coordinate 
    newCenter.x = mapCenterMapPoint.x 
    newCenter.y = mapCenterMapPoint.y 

    // Determine if x coordinate of Selected Map Pin is outside bounds. If so, 
    // set a new center x coordinate so callout can be clearly seen by the user 
    switch (SelectedPinMapPoint.x) { 

    case _ where (SelectedPinMapPoint.x < innerRectFrameMinX): 
     newCenter.x = mapView.frame.midX - (innerRectFrameMinX - SelectedPinMapPoint.x) 

    case _ where (SelectedPinMapPoint.x > innerRectFrameMaxX): 
     newCenter.x = mapView.frame.midX + (SelectedPinMapPoint.x - innerRectFrameMaxX) 

    default: break 


    // Determine if y coordinate of Selected Map Pin is outside bounds. If so, 
    // set a new center y coordinate so callout can be clearly seen by the user 
    switch (SelectedPinMapPoint.y) { 

    case _ where (SelectedPinMapPoint.y < innerRectFrameMinY): 
     newCenter.y = mapView.frame.midY - (innerRectFrameMinY - SelectedPinMapPoint.y) 

    case _ where (SelectedPinMapPoint.y > innerRectFrameMaxY): 
     newCenter.y = mapView.frame.midY + (SelectedPinMapPoint.y - innerRectFrameMaxY) 

    default: break 


    // Convert new map Center (X,Y) coordinate to map coordinate 
    let newCenterCoordinate = mapView.convert(newCenter, toCoordinateFrom: nil) 

    // Set new center as center for map view 
    mapView.setCenter(newCenterCoordinate, animated: true) 


我聯繫我的構想任何益處,可以提供一個粗略的圖形草圖。 Rough Graphical Sketch