<div class='widget_holder' class='twelve columns'> //unmoveable holder
<div class='widget' class='six columns'> // moveable widget
<div class='widget_holder widget' class='six columns'> //moveable widget/holder
<div class='widget_holder' class='twelve columns'> //unmoveable holder
<div class='widget' class='four columns'> // moveable widget
<div class='widget' class='four columns'> // moveable widget
<div class='widget' class='four columns'> // moveable widget
<div class='widget' class='four columns'> // moveable widget
<div class='widget_holder' class='six columns'> // unmoveable holder
<div class='widget' class='six columns'> // moveable widget
<div class='widget_holder widget' class='six columns'> // moveable widget/holder
$(".widget_holder").sortable({ // adding it to the holders since it's the widgets within
distance: 30, // hoped this would help with jumpyness (didn't rly)
revert: true,
items: ".widget", // moveable widget
containment: 'body', // keeps it on the page
opacity: .8,
handle: ".move_widget", // a handle that hovers over the widget div
dropOnEmpty: true, // lets an empty holder accept a widget
connectWith: ".widget_holder", // put widgets in holders
tolerance: "pointer", // keep widget by pointer to make it a lil easier
cursorAt: { top:0, left: 0 },
start: function(e, ui){ // I don't remember why I did this
$(".widget_holder", ui.item).hide();
update: function(e, ui){ // my function makes a multi-dimensional array
//例如:保持器[0] = WIDGET1,WIDGET2,widget6 &支架[1] = WIDGET3, widget5和widget4
stop: function(e, ui){ //don't remember what this does
$(".widget_holder", ui.item).show();
這裏是我的jsfiddle(我無法得到它的工作完全正確,可能已經錯過了一些小) http://jsfiddle.net/VaZnc/1/ 在此先感謝你們。您一直以來都非常積極和樂於助人!
這件事背後的想法是我的客戶應該有能力使用主持有人內的持有人創建列並隨意添加小部件(小部件實際上只是任何類型的內容...文本/圖片/產品列表/ blogs/etc)