2012-05-29 40 views
{- 2012-05-16 

    ghc --make -optl-mwindows fileName.hs 

option -mwindows is passed to the linker! 
attempting to read from stdin with -mwindows may cause a runtime error 
any output on stdout/stderr will be lost. 
ghc links console app with stdout/stderr as default 

--import Graphics.Win32 
import Graphics.Win32 hiding (messageBox, c_MessageBox) -- bugfix 
import System.Win32.DLL 
import Control.Exception (bracket) 
import Foreign 
import System.Exit 

-- bugfix whole msg box 
messageBox :: HWND -> String -> String -> MBStyle -> IO MBStatus 
messageBox wnd text caption style = 
    withTString text $ \ c_text -> 
    withTString caption $ \ c_caption -> 
    failIfZero "MessageBox" $ c_MessageBox wnd c_text c_caption style 
foreign import stdcall safe "windows.h MessageBoxW" 
    c_MessageBox :: HWND -> LPCTSTR -> LPCTSTR -> MBStyle -> IO MBStatus 

main :: IO() 
main = do 
    mainInstance <- getModuleHandle Nothing 
    hwnd <- createWindow_ 200 200 wndProc mainInstance 
    createButton_ hwnd mainInstance 
    messagePump hwnd 

wndProc :: HWND -> WindowMessage -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO LRESULT 
wndProc hwnd wmsg wParam lParam 
    | wmsg == wM_DESTROY = do 
     sendMessage hwnd wM_QUIT 1 0 
     return 0 
    | wmsg == wM_COMMAND && wParam == 3 = do 
     messageBox nullPtr "You pressed me." "Haskell msg" 0 
     return 0 
    | otherwise = defWindowProc (Just hwnd) wmsg wParam lParam 

createWindow_ :: Int -> Int -> WindowClosure -> HINSTANCE -> IO HWND 
createWindow_ width height wndProc mainInstance = do 
    let winClass = mkClassName "Window Empty" 
    icon <- loadIcon Nothing iDI_APPLICATION 
    cursor <- loadCursor Nothing iDC_ARROW 
    bgBrush <- createSolidBrush (rgb 255 0 0) 
    registerClass (cS_VREDRAW + cS_HREDRAW, mainInstance, Just icon, Just cursor, Just bgBrush, Nothing, winClass) 
    w <- createWindow winClass "Window Empty" wS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW Nothing Nothing (Just width) (Just height) Nothing Nothing mainInstance wndProc 
    showWindow w sW_SHOWNORMAL 
    updateWindow w 
    return w 

createButton_ :: HWND -> HINSTANCE -> IO() 
createButton_ hwnd mainInstance = do 
    hBtn <- createButton "Button test" wS_EX_CLIENTEDGE (bS_PUSHBUTTON + wS_VISIBLE + wS_CHILD) (Just 50) (Just 80) (Just 80) (Just 20) (Just hwnd) (Just (castUINTToPtr 3)) mainInstance 

messagePump :: HWND -> IO() 
messagePump hwnd = allocaMessage $ \ msg -> 
    let pump = do 
     getMessage msg (Just hwnd) `catch` \ _ -> exitWith ExitSuccess 
     translateMessage msg 
     dispatchMessage msg 
    in pump 


用法:複製/粘貼代碼,它保存在一個文件中,ghc --make -optl-mwindows fileName.hs編譯,它會創造不錯的小窗口。它是基本的C/C++,如here

這和下面兩個例子是僅有的原始 CreateWindow的代碼,我能找到的寫在Haskell :(


  • 據我所知,C++程序很好創建。來到功能,Winproc傳會調用它,如果一些win_msg是真的...
    但是,它不是唯一的方式。很快足夠MS提出,在MFC類。而且我們有做的基本上是一回事事件偵聽器,而是直接測試win_msg的你創建/ addEven tListener,通過所需的功能,它的工作原理。

  • 什麼是Haskell的Haskellising winProc的方法?有可能有模仿addEventListener(evt,my_func)的方法。

  • 而更重要的,是有一些像哈斯克爾(更好的)辦法,我一個不知道呢?

  • 以何種方式,你可以使用這些代碼,改進了一下,創建類似wxWidgets的或GTK,但非常簡單,容易理解等

只是爲了解釋一些downvotes是大概是:「寫我的代碼爲我」是誰去別人的經典的紅色標誌問題這是一個忘恩負義的時間,你的問題甚至更進一步,「爲我寫代碼並記錄下來!」請:做你的功課,自己試試看,我更有可能嘗試幫助你糾正一個錯誤的嘗試,抓撓你的癢,而不是試圖抓撓你自己的癢。 –


是的,丹尼爾,你是對的:)看起來我真的很懶。我懶得知道它。互聯網顯然是用純粹的Haskell GUI示例和教程「填補」的。或者是? ;)我的問題似乎很簡單,任何人都可以回答:D如果這是真的,爲什麼Haskell沒有任何純粹的GUI教程? – CoR


圖形用戶界面庫和「快速啓動」教程:http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/WxHaskell/Quick_start – Tony



這是CreateWindow的的第二個版本。 Link


Here是第三。記住它是日語,它需要翻譯。 這三個只是我可以在網上找到的Haskell win32 createWindow文件!


% (c) sof, 1999 

Haskell version of "Hello, World" using the Win32 library. 
Demonstrates how the Win32 library can be put to use. 

Works with Hugs and GHC. To compile it up using the latter, 
do: "ghc -o main hello.lhs -syslib win32 -fglasgow-exts" 

For GHC 5.03: 

    ghc -package win32 hello.lhs -o hello.exe -optl "-Wl,--subsystem,windows" 

module Main(main) where 

import qualified Graphics.Win32 
import qualified System.Win32.DLL 
import qualified System.Win32.Types 
import Control.Exception (bracket) 
import Foreign 
import System.Exit 
{-import Addr-} 

Toplevel main just creates a window and pumps messages. 
The window procedure (wndProc) we pass in is partially 
applied with the user action that takes care of responding 
to repaint messages (WM_PAINT). 

main :: IO() 
main = 
    Graphics.Win32.allocaPAINTSTRUCT $ \ lpps -> do 
    hwnd <- createWindow 200 200 (wndProc lpps onPaint) 
    messagePump hwnd 

OnPaint handler for a window - draw a string centred 
inside it. 
onPaint :: Graphics.Win32.RECT -> Graphics.Win32.HDC -> IO() 
onPaint (_,_,w,h) hdc = do 
    Graphics.Win32.setBkMode hdc Graphics.Win32.tRANSPARENT 
    Graphics.Win32.setTextColor hdc (Graphics.Win32.rgb 255 255 0) 
    let y | h==10  = 0 
     | otherwise = ((h-10) `div` 2) 
     x | w==50  = 0 
     | otherwise = (w-50) `div` 2 
    Graphics.Win32.textOut hdc x y "Hello, world" 

Simple window procedure - one way to improve and generalise 
it would be to pass it a message map (represented as a 
finite map from WindowMessages to actions, perhaps). 


wndProc :: Graphics.Win32.LPPAINTSTRUCT 
    -> (Graphics.Win32.RECT -> Graphics.Win32.HDC -> IO()) -- on paint action 
     -> Graphics.Win32.HWND 
     -> Graphics.Win32.WindowMessage 
    -> Graphics.Win32.WPARAM 
    -> Graphics.Win32.LPARAM 
    -> IO Graphics.Win32.LRESULT 
wndProc lpps onPaint hwnd wmsg wParam lParam 
| wmsg == Graphics.Win32.wM_DESTROY = do 
    Graphics.Win32.sendMessage hwnd Graphics.Win32.wM_QUIT 1 0 
    return 0 
| wmsg == Graphics.Win32.wM_PAINT && hwnd /= nullPtr = do 
    r <- Graphics.Win32.getClientRect hwnd 
    paintWith lpps hwnd (onPaint r) 
    return 0 
| otherwise = 
    Graphics.Win32.defWindowProc (Just hwnd) wmsg wParam lParam 

createWindow :: Int -> Int -> Graphics.Win32.WindowClosure -> IO Graphics.Win32.HWND 
createWindow width height wndProc = do 
    let winClass = Graphics.Win32.mkClassName "Hello" 
    icon   <- Graphics.Win32.loadIcon Nothing Graphics.Win32.iDI_APPLICATION 
    cursor  <- Graphics.Win32.loadCursor Nothing Graphics.Win32.iDC_ARROW 
    bgBrush  <- Graphics.Win32.createSolidBrush (Graphics.Win32.rgb 0 0 255) 
    mainInstance <- System.Win32.DLL.getModuleHandle Nothing 
     (Graphics.Win32.cS_VREDRAW + Graphics.Win32.cS_HREDRAW 
     , mainInstance 
     , Just icon 
     , Just cursor 
     , Just bgBrush 
     , Nothing 
     , winClass 
    w <- Graphics.Win32.createWindow 
     "Hello, World example" 
     Nothing Nothing -- leave it to the shell to decide the position 
       -- at where to put the window initially 
       (Just width) 
     (Just height) 
     Nothing  -- no parent, i.e, root window is the parent. 
     Nothing  -- no menu handle 
    Graphics.Win32.showWindow w Graphics.Win32.sW_SHOWNORMAL 
    Graphics.Win32.updateWindow w 
    return w 

messagePump :: Graphics.Win32.HWND -> IO() 
messagePump hwnd = Graphics.Win32.allocaMessage $ \ msg -> 
    let pump = do 
     Graphics.Win32.getMessage msg (Just hwnd) 
     `catch` \ _ -> exitWith ExitSuccess 
    Graphics.Win32.translateMessage msg 
    Graphics.Win32.dispatchMessage msg 
    in pump 

paintWith :: Graphics.Win32.LPPAINTSTRUCT -> Graphics.Win32.HWND -> (Graphics.Win32.HDC -> IO a) -> IO a 
paintWith lpps hwnd p = 
    (Graphics.Win32.beginPaint hwnd lpps) 
    (const $ Graphics.Win32.endPaint hwnd lpps) 


如果Windows GUI是您的主要動機,也許Clean將是一個更好的選擇(或者甚至是F-sharp,不要懶惰)。Clean是一種非常類似於Haskell的語言,它在商業上已經開發了多年,因此具有出色的GUI綁定功能。由於Clean開發人員正在通過JavaScript和Applets開發GUI,因此目前GUI的開發並不是那麼活躍,但它應該比Haskell Win32綁定更強大和更成熟。 Clean語言和「對象IO」是乾淨的GUI,在線上有相當多的教程。 –


@stephen tetley:謝謝你的回答。謝謝你讓我不知道什麼:)現在,我的目標是學習Haskell。一段時間後,我對控制檯應用程序感到無聊,並有一個想法將我的「Quotes JS」移植到Haskell win32。我認爲這會很容易。大錯!關於如何像純粹的win32 GUI一樣使用Haskell幾乎沒有。這3個鏈接只是我可以在網上找到的代碼。這是飛機錯誤。如果Haskell真的像人們所說的那樣好,就必須有創建窗口並處理win_msg的方法。第一個解決方案是測試wmsg的事件。就像人們在Windows 95 – CoR


上做的那樣,如果必須的話,我可以這樣做。但我希望有更好的解決方案。像eventListeners或更好的東西。想法不是使用框架,而是慢慢地建立一個簡單的理解它並在過程中學習。我知道我的問題是從簡單的FAR ...但我不得不從某處開始。請看看Clean。如果它與Haskell相似,也許這些解決方案也可以用於Haskell :)如果我有足夠的知識,我只需閱讀wxWidgets代碼並從那裏'學習'。但我不是。我需要人的解釋和例子。目標是理解「如何工作」而不僅僅是使用它。 – CoR
