2013-02-15 193 views

我希望能夠通過拖拽或通過命令列表中的刪除按鈕將項目放回原始位置列表。到目前爲止,我已經能夠拖動到最終列表並將它從最終列表中刪除,但是我找不到將其恢復到原始列表的方式。Jquery拖放 - 無法拖拽


h1 { padding: .2em; margin: 0; } 
#products { float:left; width: 500px; margin-right: 2em; cursor: move } 
#cart { width: 300px; float: left; margin-top: 1em; cursor: move } 
#cart ol { margin: 0; padding: 1em 0 1em 3em; } 
    $(function() { 
     $("#catalog li").draggable({ 
      helper: "clone" 
     $("#catalog ul").droppable({ 
      drop: function (event, ui) { 

     $("#cart ol").draggable({ 
      appendTo: "body", 
      helper: "clone" 
     $("#cart ol").droppable({ 
      drop: function (event, ui) { 
       var el = $("<li>" + ui.draggable.text() + "</li>&nbsp;<a href='#'>[x]</a>").filter('a') 
        .click(function() { 

<div id="products"> 
<h1 class="ui-widget-header">Car Extras</h1> 
<div id="catalog"> 
<h2><a href="#">Security</a></h2> 
    <li id="1">ABS</li> 
    <li id="2">ESP</li> 
    <li id="3">Airbag</li> 
<h2><a href="#">Confort</a></h2> 
    <li>Air Conditioning</li> 
    <li>Hands-free Phone</li> 
    <li>Alligator Leather</li> 

<div id="cart"> 
<h1 class="ui-widget-header">My Car Extras</h1> 
<div class="ui-widget-content"> 
    <li class="placeholder">Add your items here</li> 



那麼,我檢查了你的代碼,你應該首先重寫你的javascript。目前您銷燬列表條目並重新創建它們。這不是你應該這樣做的方式。查看'sortable()'jquery UI函數並使用'connectWith'連接列表。你可以在'receive'部分添加[x]。之後,您可以在列表ID上應用sort()算法以保持訂單。檢查此鏈接的排序功能:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6303528/jquery-sortable-auto-sort – gulty 2013-02-15 12:29:47




  • 從列表中拖動到收藏夾列表
  • 按鈕,可向收藏夾列表
  • 拖回原科
  • 刪除按鈕搬回原來的第
  • 淡入和淡出運動



public class FeatureDto 
    public int Id { get; set; } 
    public string Name { get; set; } 

public class FeatureGroupDto 
    public int Id { get; set; } 
    public string Name { get; set; } 

public class FeatureGroupFeaturesDto 
    public FeatureGroupDto FeatureGroup { get; set; } 
    public IList<FeatureDto> Features { get; set; } 


IList<FeatureGroupFeaturesDto> fcf = new List<FeatureGroupFeaturesDto>(); 

fcf.Add(new FeatureGroupFeaturesDto 
    FeatureGroup = new FeatureGroupDto { Id = 1, Name = "Interior" }, 
    Features = new List<FeatureDto> { 
     new FeatureDto { Id = 7, Name = "Bancos Traseiros Rebatíveis" }, 
     new FeatureDto { Id = 35, Name = "Computador de Bordo" }, 
     new FeatureDto { Id = 38, Name = "Suporte para Telemóvel" } 

fcf.Add(new FeatureGroupFeaturesDto 
    FeatureGroup = new FeatureGroupDto { Id = 2, Name = "Exterior" }, 
    Features = new List<FeatureDto> { 
     new FeatureDto { Id = 13, Name = "Barras de Tejadilho" }, 
     new FeatureDto { Id = 15, Name = "Retrovisores Aquecidos" }, 
     new FeatureDto { Id = 16, Name = "Retrovisores Elétricos" } 


@model IEnumerable<Heelp.ViewModels.FeatureGroupFeaturesViewModel> 

<div id="featuresList"> 
@foreach (var item in Model) { 


     <ul id="[email protected](item.FeatureGroup.Id)"> 
      @foreach (var feature in item.Features) 
       <li id="@feature.Id" class="feature">@feature.Name <a href="#" class="feature-send-to-my-list">[»]</a></li> 

<h1>My Features</h1> 
<div id="myFeatures"> 
<div id="test"></div> 
    .feature { cursor: move; } 
    h1 { cursor: pointer; } 
    #myFeatures ol { margin: 0; padding: 1em 0 1em 3em; background-color: lightgray; width: 200px; height: 100px; cursor: move; } 
    $(function() { 
     var $featuresList = $("#featuresList"), $myFeatures = $("#myFeatures"); 

     // Accordion 

     // Features List | Drag 
     $("ul > li", $featuresList).draggable({ 
      revert: "invalid", 
      containment: "document", 
      helper: "clone" 

     // My Features List | Drop 
      accept: "#featuresList li", 
      drop: function (event, ui) { 

     // Features List | Drop Back Again 
      accept: "#myFeatures li", 
      drop: function (event, ui) { 

     // Add to MyFeatures List function 
     var removeButton = "<a href='#' class='feature-remove-from-my-list'>[x]</a>"; 

     function addToMyFeatures($feature) { 
      $feature.fadeOut(function() { 
        .append("<span style='display:none'>" + $feature.parent('ul').attr('id') + "</span>") 
        .appendTo("ol", $myFeatures) 

     // Remove from MyFeatures List function 
     var addButton = "<a href='#' class='feature-send-to-my-list'>[»]</a>"; 

     function removeFromMyFeatures($feature) { 
      $feature.fadeOut(function() { 
       var featureGroup = "#" + $feature.find("span").text(); 

     // Click event to add or remove Feature from My List 
     $("#featuresList li").click(function (event) { 
      var $item = $(this), $target = $(event.target); 
      if ($target.is("a.feature-send-to-my-list")) { 
      else if ($target.is("a.feature-remove-from-my-list")) { 

      return false; 