ERROR ITMS-90040: "If the value of UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend is Yes, your app must not specify any values in the UIBackgroundModes key. If your app uses background services, the value of UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend must be No. For more information, refer to the Information Property List Key Reference."
ERROR ITMS-90040: "If the value of UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend is Yes, your app must not specify any values in the UIBackgroundModes key. If your app uses background services, the value of UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend must be No. For more information, refer to the Information Property List Key Reference."
什麼在您的info.plist?你使用背景模式?錯誤消息非常清楚。 – Paulw11
那裏我貼了我的plist是什麼樣的。 – MNM
我認爲我使用的唯一背景是推動notficiaton – MNM