2013-04-11 64 views

我是初學者,所以請裸露在我身邊。我需要問三個薪酬水平。等級1必須至少爲65k,等級2必須至少爲60k。等級1也必須至少是等級2的110%。等級2也必須至少等於等級3的120%。我只從等級1和等級2開始,因爲如果我能夠弄清楚,我可以計算出等級3 。這是我有:重複數據驗證

do { 
     System.out.println("Please enter the full time employee payscale level 1 rate: "); 
     fullTimePay1 = input.nextInt(); 
    } while (fullTimePay1 < 65000); 

    do { 
     System.out.println("Please enter the full time employee payscale level 2 rate: "); 
     fullTimePay2 = input.nextInt(); 
     } while (fullTimePay2 < 60000); 

    do { 
     System.out.println("Please enter the full time employee payscale level 1 rate: "); 
     fullTimePay1 = input.nextInt(); 
     System.out.println("Please enter the full time employee payscale level 2 rate: "); 
     fullTimePay2 = input.nextInt(); 
    } while (fullTimePay1 < (fullTimePay2 * 1.1)); 



我將在調試器中遍歷您的代碼,以便了解您的程序在做什麼。我本以爲你只想要一個循環,一旦你有正確的答案,你就不想再問。 – 2013-04-11 08:25:23


什麼是輸入,下一個int來自哪裏?你爲什麼重複獲得下一個int? – 2013-04-11 08:26:28


這不是我的整個代碼,只是不能正常工作的部分。 – Chara 2013-04-11 08:28:24






do { 
    do { 
    System.out.println("Please enter full time employee payscale level 1 rate:"); 
    fullTimePay1 = input.nextInt(); 
    } while (fullTimePay1 < 65000); 
    do { 
    System.out.println("Please enter full time employee payscale level 2 rate:"); 
    fullTimePay2 = input.nextInt(); 
    } while (fullTimePay2 < 60000); 
} while (fullTimePay1 < (fullTimePay2 * 1.1)); 


do { 
    System.out.println("Please enter full time employee payscale level 1 rate:"); 
    fullTimePay1 = input.nextInt(); 
} while (fullTimePay1 < 66000); // 'cause min(1) = 1.1*min(2) = 1.1*60000 = 66000 
do { 
    System.out.println("Please enter full time employee payscale level 2 rate:"); 
    fullTimePay2 = input.nextInt(); 
} while (fullTimePay2 < 60000 || fullTimePay1 < (fullTimePay2 * 1.1)); 

謝謝你,你的第一個解決方案完美無缺! – Chara 2013-04-11 09:19:51