2016-11-04 46 views


| Key      | Appearance in the administration   | Value         | 
| |text_line|    | simple text input       | string         | 
| |text_area|    | text area         | string         | 
| |text_editor|   | text editor with formatting capabilities | HTML string        | 
| |checkbox|    | checkbox         | boolean         | 
| |single_select|   | list of radio buttons      | string         | 
| |multiple_select|  | list of checkboxes       | array of strings      | 
| |color|     | color picker        | string         | 
| |date|     | date picker         | string         | 
| |time|     | text input with time validation    | string         | 
| |url|     | text input with URL validation    | string         | 
| |email|     | text input with email validation   | string         | 
| |password|    | password input        | string         | 
| |phone|     | text input for a phone number    | string         | 
| |internal_links|  | widget for selecting links to other pages | resolved pages as defined in parameters | 
| |single_internal_link| | widget for selecting a single page   | resolved page as defined in parameters | 
| |smart_content|   | widget for configuring a data source  | resolved pages as defined in parameters | 
| |resource_locator|  | widget for entering the URL of a page  | string         | 
| |tag_list|    | autocomplete input for entering and adding | array of strings      | 
|       | tags          |           | 
| |category_list|   | autocomplete input for entering and adding | array of strings      | 
|       | tags          |           | 
| |media_selection|  | widget for selecting media (images,   | array containing arrays with   | 
|       | documents)         | urls for every format     | 
| |contact_selection|  | widget for selecting contacts    | array containing array representations |          | 
|       |            | of the contact objects     | 
| |snippet|    | widget for selecting snippets    | array containing array representations | 

| | |片段| + ------------------------- + ---------------------- ----------------------- + -------------------------- --------------- +

最近以來,我得到試圖建立使用make build文檔時出現以下錯誤:

ERROR: Malformed table. 



