2015-05-04 90 views


public class Maze extends JPanel{ 
int[][][] mazeArray; //will be defined in the loop depending on how many rectangles are spawned, also for making sure the player can't walk over the walls (first is what number wall it is, second is the x coordiante of the wall, and third is the y coordinate of the wall) 
//depending on whether or not the rctangle is vertical or horizontal it will use both values for its height and width (vertical would have sideX for the height, and sideY for the width; this would be the opposite for the horizontal rectangle) 
int sideX = 50; //x side length 
int sideY = 50; //y side length 
int x; 
int y; 
//setters and getters for use later (for changing the rctangles location and size) 
public void setSideX(int sideX){ 
    this.sideX = sideX; 
public int getSideX(){ 
    return sideX; 

public void setSideY(int sideY){ 
    this.sideY = sideY; 
public int getSideY(){ 
    return sideY; 

public void setCoordinates(int x, int y){ 
    this.x = x; 
    this.y = y; 

public void setX(int x){ 
    this.x = x; 
public int getX(){ 
    return x; 

public void setY(int y){ 
    this.y = y; 
public int getY(){ 
    return y; 
//end setters and getters 
public void generateMaze(){ 
    //the left side of the maze 
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ //ten blocks on the left side 
     setX(0); //x is always 0 for the left side 
     setY(getY() + 50); //adds 50 to the previous Y coordinate amount, m making it go down the whole left side 
    setY(0); //set y back to zero to be able to start the right column of blocks 
    //the right side of the maze 
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ 
     setX(500); //x is always 500 for the right side 
     setY(getY() + 50); //does the same as it did on the left side, except on the right 
    setY(0); //set y to zero again 
    setX(50); //start x at 50 since there is no need to remake the corners 
    for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ //only goes up to 8 this this time because the corners of the maze can be ignored 
     setY(0); //just in case y changes back 
     setX(getX() + 50); //x increases by 50 each time 
    for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ //same as above except for the bottom 
     setX(getX() + 50); 
    //the maze walls are now generated 
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){ //for painting the rectangles 
    g.fillRect(getX(), getY(), sideX, sideY); //uses x and y coordinates defined in the generateMaze loop, and the uses whatever current value for the two side, depending on what type of rectangle it is 


public class Player { 
//Player starts in the top left corner 
int playerX = 50; 
int playerY = 50; 
int moveSpeed = 5; //I can edit move speed here 
Image character; 

//getters and setters to utilize the player's location and image 
public Player(){ //constructor for initial starting points 
    playerX = 50; 
    playerY = 50; 
    ImageIcon player = new ImageIcon("E://Workspace//Maze//images//Player.jpg"); 
    character = player.getImage(); 

public void setPlayerX(int playerX){ 
    this.playerX = playerX; 
public int getPlayerX(){ 
    return playerX; 

public void setPlayerY(int playerY){ 
    this.playerY = playerY; 
public int getPlayerY(){ 
    return playerY; 

public void setMoveSpeed(int moveSpeed){ 
    this.moveSpeed = moveSpeed; 
public int getMoveSpeed(){ 
    return moveSpeed; 

public Image getPlayerImage(){ 
    return character; 


public class Layout extends JPanel implements ActionListener { //GUI with a non null FlowLayout 
Maze m = new Maze(); 
Player p = new Player(); 

//500 x 500 seemed like a good size for the maze game 
int x = 500; 
int y = 500; 
Image player; 
JPanel panel; 

public Layout() { 
    panel = new JPanel(); 
    panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); //same as the JFrame 
    panel.addKeyListener(new Move(p)); 
    panel.setBackground(Color.YELLOW); //background of the maze 
    m.generateMaze(); //create the maze 

//for use in setting and getting the borders of the game 
public void setX(int x){ 
    this.x = x; 
public int getX(){ 
    return x; 

public void setY(int y){ 
    this.y = y; 
public int getY(){ 
    return y; 

public JPanel getPanel(){ 
    return panel; 
@Override //so it can repaint as needed 
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g){ 
    g.drawImage(p.getPlayerImage(), p.getPlayerX(), p.getPlayerY(), this); 

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){ 

class Move implements KeyListener { //for player movement 
final Player p; 
Move(Player p){ 
    this.p = p; 

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent press) { //for the movement in the game 
    //I used both keys so that if the player woukld like to use WASD or the arrow keys either will work 
    if(press.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_W || press.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP){ 
     //move up 
     p.setPlayerY(p.getPlayerY() - p.getMoveSpeed()); 
    else if(press.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_S || press.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN){ 
     //move down 
     p.setPlayerY(p.getPlayerY() + p.getMoveSpeed()); 
    else if(press.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_A || press.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT){ 
     //move left 
     p.setPlayerX(p.getPlayerX() - p.getMoveSpeed()); 
    else if(press.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_D || press.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT){ 
     //move right 
     p.setPlayerX(p.getPlayerX() + p.getMoveSpeed()); 

public void keyReleased(KeyEvent release) { 
    //nothing is needed here 

public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { 
    //does nothing if a key is type (no need for it) 


public class Play extends JPanel { 
public static void main(String[]args) { 

public static void play() { 
    JFrame f = new JFrame(); 
    Layout l = new Layout(); 
    JPanel j = l.getPanel(); 

    f.setTitle("Maze Game for final project"); 
    f.setSize(l.getX(), l.getY()); //size can be changed in layout 
    f.add(j); //adds the panel 



public static void play() { 
    JFrame f = new JFrame(); 
    Layout l = new Layout(); 

    f.setTitle("Maze Game for final project"); 
    f.setSize(l.getX(), l.getY()); //size can be changed in layout 
    f.add(new Layout()); //adds the panel 


public Layout() { 
    setLayout(new FlowLayout()); 
    addKeyListener(new Move(p)); 






public class Layout extends JPanel implements ActionListener { 
    Maze m = new Maze(); 
    Player p = new Player(); 
    int x = 500; 
    int y = 500; 
    Image player; 

    // JPanel panel; 

    public Layout() { 
     // panel = new JPanel(); 
     // panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); //same as the JFrame 
     // panel.addKeyListener(new Move(p)); 
     // panel.setFocusable(true); 
     // panel.setBackground(Color.YELLOW); //background of the maze 

     setLayout(new FlowLayout()); 
     addKeyListener(new Move(p)); 

    public void setX(int x) { 
     this.x = x; 

    public int getX() { 
     return x; 

    public void setY(int y) { 
     this.y = y; 

    public int getY() { 
     return y; 

    // public JPanel getPanel() { 
    // return panel; 
    // } 

    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { 
     g.drawImage(p.getPlayerImage(), p.getPlayerX(), p.getPlayerY(), this); 

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 


此外,您將JPanel添加到JFrame 之後在JPanel上調用setVisible(true) - 不要這樣做。只有在添加完所有組件後才能撥打setVisible(true)


我甚至不再有任何東西出現,你能告訴我如何正確使用我在Play中佈局中創建的JPanel(我真的有這個問題)? – user1234


@ user1234:您是否將Layout JPanel添加到您的GUI? –


@ user1234:ouch。請勿在註釋中張貼代碼,因爲它會丟失格式,導致無法閱讀。相反,通過[編輯您的問題](http://stackoverflow.com/posts/30034015/edit)將任何新代碼發佈到原始問題的底部。 –