2011-03-29 80 views


public class AppEngineClient { 
    private static final String TAG = "AppEngineClient"; 

    public static final String BASE_URL = " <Don't know which URL to use here>"; 
    public static final String AUTH_URL = BASE_URL + "/_ah/login"; 
    public static final String AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE = "ah"; 

    public final Context mContext; 
    public final String mAccountName; 

    public AppEngineClient(Context context, String accountName) { 
     this.mContext = context; 
     this.mAccountName = accountName; 

    public HttpResponse makeRequest(String urlPath, List<NameValuePair> params) throws Exception { 
     HttpResponse res = makeRequestNoRetry(urlPath, params, false); 
     if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 500) { 
      res = makeRequestNoRetry(urlPath, params, true); 
     return res; 

    public HttpResponse makeRequestNoRetry(String urlPath, List<NameValuePair> params, boolean newToken) 
      throws Exception { 

     // Get auth token for account 
     Account account = new Account(mAccountName, "com.google"); 
     String authToken = getAuthToken(mContext, account); 
     if (authToken == null) throw new PendingAuthException(mAccountName); 
     if (newToken) { // invalidate the cached token 
      AccountManager accountManager = AccountManager.get(mContext); 
      accountManager.invalidateAuthToken(account.type, authToken); 
      authToken = getAuthToken(mContext, account); 

     // Get ACSID cookie 
     DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); 
     String continueURL = BASE_URL; 
     URI uri = new URI(AUTH_URL + "?continue=" + 
       URLEncoder.encode(continueURL, "UTF-8") + 
       "&auth=" + authToken); 
     HttpGet method = new HttpGet(uri); 
     final HttpParams getParams = new BasicHttpParams(); 
     HttpClientParams.setRedirecting(getParams, false); // continue is not used 

     HttpResponse res = client.execute(method); 
     Header[] headers = res.getHeaders("Set-Cookie"); 
     if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 302 || 
       headers.length == 0) { 
      return res; 

     String ascidCookie = null; 
     for (Header header: headers) { 
      if (header.getValue().indexOf("ACSID=") >=0) { 
       // let's parse it 
       String value = header.getValue(); 
       String[] pairs = value.split(";"); 
       ascidCookie = pairs[0]; 

     // Make POST request 
     uri = new URI(BASE_URL + urlPath); 
     HttpPost post = new HttpPost(uri); 
     UrlEncodedFormEntity entity = 
      new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params, "UTF-8"); 
     post.setHeader("Cookie", ascidCookie); 
     post.setHeader("X-Same-Domain", "1"); // XSRF 
     res = client.execute(post); 
     return res; 

    public String getAuthToken(Context context, Account account) { 
     String authToken = null; 
     AccountManager accountManager = AccountManager.get(context); 
     try { 
      AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> future = 
        accountManager.getAuthToken (account, AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE, false, null, null); 
      Bundle bundle = future.getResult(); 
      authToken = bundle.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN); 
      // User will be asked for "App Engine" permission. 
      if (authToken == null) { 
       // No auth token - will need to ask permission from user. 
       Intent intent = new Intent("com.google.ctp.AUTH_PERMISSION"); 
       intent.putExtra("AccountManagerBundle", bundle); 
     } catch (OperationCanceledException e) { 
      Log.w(TAG, e.getMessage()); 
     } catch (AuthenticatorException e) { 
      Log.w(TAG, e.getMessage()); 
     } catch (IOException e) { 
      Log.w(TAG, e.getMessage()); 
     return authToken; 

    public class PendingAuthException extends Exception { 
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 
     public PendingAuthException(String message) { 




如果有人知道這件事,然後plzzzz幫我出我的問題 – Nikki 2011-03-30 04:15:46


@CommonsWare的:你好先生..你一直都很棒,你可以幫我解決這個問題。 – Nikki 2011-03-30 05:53:55


因爲沒有引起太多注意,所以不允許標記你的問題。如果你想引起人們對你的問題的關注,那麼兩天後你將被允許[放置賞金](http://stackoverflow.com/faq#bounty)。你也可以[編輯你的問題](http://stackoverflow.com/posts/5472819/edit)添加額外的信息,這可能會讓你的問題更容易理解和回答。 – Will 2011-04-04 13:33:04






@bgporter: 好,不過從我們得到這個URL – Nikki 2011-03-29 13:08:54


...從誰開發AppEngine上運行,你試圖連接到應用程序。 – bgporter 2011-03-29 13:17:52


@bgporter:你的意思是說,這是服務器URL,它需要連接 – Nikki 2011-03-29 13:23:55
