2016-07-13 67 views
private boolean[][] computeMainOutline(boolean[][] outline) { 

    int pixelValue[][] = new int [width][height]; 

    for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) 
     for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) 
      if(pixelValue[x][y] == 0) { 
      ArrayList<Point2D.Double> path = new ArrayList<>(); 
      findPath(x, y, outline, pixelValue, path); 
    return new boolean[1][1]; // to avoid compilation error 

private void findPath(int x, int y, boolean[][] outline, int pixelValue [][], ArrayList<Point2D.Double> path) { 
    path.add(new Point2D.Double(x, y)); 

    if(x > 0 && outline[x - 1][y] == true) // check right 
     findPath(x - 1, y, outline, pixelValue, path); 
    if(x < width && outline[x + 1][y] == true) // check left 
     findPath(x + 1, y, outline, pixelValue, path); 
    if(y < height && outline[x][y + 1] == true) // check up 
     findPath(x, y + 1, outline, pixelValue, path); 
    if(y > 0 && outline[x][y - 1] == true) // check down 
     findPath(x, y - 1, outline, pixelValue, path); 



此外,如果我在path.add(new Point2D.Double(x, y));之後立即打印path.add(new Point2D.Double(x, y));打印path.size()內部的遞歸方法,大小順序不一致它可能會打印(1,2,3,4,2,3,4),爲什麼?



private boolean[][] computeMainOutline(boolean[][] outline) { 

    int pixelValue[][] = new int [width][height]; 
    boolean visited[][] = new boolean[width][height]; 

    for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) 
     for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) 
      if(visited[x][y] == false) { 
      ArrayList<Point2D.Double> path = new ArrayList<>(); 
      findPath(x, y, outline, pixelValue, path, visited); 
    return new boolean[1][1]; // to avoid compilation error 

private void findPath(int x, int y, boolean[][] outline, int pixelValue [][], ArrayList<Point2D.Double> path, boolean visited [][]) { 
    path.add(new Point2D.Double(x, y)); 
    visited[x][y] = true; 

    if(x > 0 && visited[x - 1][y] == false && outline[x - 1][y] == true) // check right 
     findPath(x - 1, y, outline, pixelValue, path, visited); 
    if(x < width - 1 &&visited[x + 1][y] == false && outline[x + 1][y] == true) // check left 
     findPath(x + 1, y, outline, pixelValue, path, visited); 
    if(y < height - 1 && visited[x][y + 1] == false && outline[x][y + 1] == true) // check up 
     findPath(x, y + 1, outline, pixelValue, path, visited); 
    if(y > 0 && visited[x][y - 1] == false && outline[x][y - 1] == true) // check down 
     findPath(x, y - 1, outline, pixelValue, path, visited); 

如果你不標記已經訪問過的大綱元素'findPath'會無限地重複,因爲你將被添加到路徑相同的點 – csharpfolk





"T" F F     T F F    "T" F F 
T F F (next step) "T" F F (next)  T F F 
T F F     T F F    T F F 





數組是否會被傳遞作爲一個論據?我知道這是一個對象,但它似乎不會改變......我應該回報它,對吧? – Mattia


@Chris數組不是基元,即使它們是基元數組。如果將數組傳遞給函數,並且該函數修改數組的*內容*,則該更改將在函數外可見。 – Ordous


@好的......我知道但是......它仍然不能解釋爲什麼我仍然會出現溢出...請檢查更新編輯。 – Mattia