$list = $('ul.sortable');
$order = $item_list.nestedSortable('toHierarchy');
$item_list = $('ul.sortable');
$url = 'admin/navigation/order'; // CI Controller to process stuff
$cookie = 'open_links';
$data_callback = function(event, ui) {
// Grab the group id so we can update the right links
return { 'group' : ui.item.parents('section.box').attr('rel') };
// Do sort
sort_tree($item_list, $url, $cookie, $data_callback);
sort_tree = function($item_list, $url, $cookie, data_callback, post_sort_callback)
// collapse all ordered lists but the top level
// this gets ran again after drop
var refresh_tree = function() {
// add the minus icon to all parent items that now have visible children
$item_list.parent().find('ul li:has(li:visible)').removeClass().addClass('minus');
// add the plus icon to all parent items with hidden children
$item_list.parent().find('ul li:has(li:hidden)').removeClass().addClass('plus');
// remove the class if the child was removed
$item_list.parent().find('ul li:not(:has(ul))').removeClass();
// call the post sort callback
post_sort_callback && post_sort_callback();
// set the icons properly on parents restored from cookie
$($.cookie($cookie)).has('ul').toggleClass('minus plus');
// show the parents that were open on last visit
// show/hide the children when clicking on an <li>
$item_list.find('li').live('click', function()
$(this).has('ul').toggleClass('minus plus');
var items = [];
// get all of the open parents
$item_list.find('li.minus:visible').each(function(){ items.push('#' + this.id) });
// save open parents in the cookie
$.cookie($cookie, items.join(', '), { expires: 1 });
return false;
disableNesting: 'no-nest',
forcePlaceholderSize: true,
handle: 'div',
helper: 'clone',
items: 'li',
opacity: .4,
placeholder: 'placeholder',
tabSize: 25,
listType: 'ul',
tolerance: 'pointer',
toleranceElement: '> div',
stop: function(event, ui) {
post = {};
// create the array using the toHierarchy method
post.order = $item_list.nestedSortable('toHierarchy');
// pass to third-party devs and let them return data to send along
if (data_callback) {
post.data = data_callback(event, ui);
// refresh the tree icons - needs a timeout to allow nestedSort
// to remove unused elements before we check for their existence
setTimeout(refresh_tree, 5);
$.post(SITE_URL + $url, post);
OR有沒有一種方法可以確保被排序的ul是用於排序順序的那個? –
我們能否看到您的事件處理程序以確保您正在使用該事件訪問正確的對象? UI將當前對象交給它的所有自定義事件;這應該按照您期望的方式工作。 – Mathletics
PS - 這是來自稱爲PyroCMS的AWESOME cms的2.0 Beta。我提交了一個錯誤,只是試圖幫助找出修復! Mathletics - 我也這麼認爲。儘管我猜測我不太瞭解jquery的內涵。 –