我試圖用文檔中心的圖像生成一個DocX文檔,但我已經嘗試了幾件事情,但沒有任何結果。圖像正在顯示,但位於左上角。 addImageToBody函數來自MS網站(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/bb497430(v=office.15).aspx)。我試過使用HorizontalPosition類(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/documentformat.openxml.drawing.wordprocessing.horizontalposition(v=office.14).aspx),但它並沒有爲我工作。C#中的OpenXML圖像
MainDocumentPart mainPart = document.MainDocumentPart;
ImagePart imagePart = mainPart.AddImagePart(ImagePartType.Png);
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(@"C:...\Logo.png", FileMode.Open))
AddImageToBody(document, mainPart.GetIdOfPart(imagePart));
private static void AddImageToBody(WordprocessingDocument wordDoc, string relationshipId)
int defX = 854;
int defY = 350;
int size = 3000;
// Define the reference of the image.
var element =
new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Drawing(
new DW.Inline(
new DW.Extent() { Cx = defX * size, Cy = defY * size },
new DW.EffectExtent()
LeftEdge = 0L,
TopEdge = 0L,
RightEdge = 0L,
BottomEdge = 0L
new DW.DocProperties()
Id = (UInt32Value)1U,
Name = "Picture 1"
new DW.NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties(
new A.GraphicFrameLocks() { NoChangeAspect = true }),
new A.Graphic(
new A.GraphicData(
new PIC.Picture(
new PIC.NonVisualPictureProperties(
new PIC.NonVisualDrawingProperties()
Id = (UInt32Value)0U,
Name = "New Bitmap Image.jpg"
new PIC.NonVisualPictureDrawingProperties()),
new PIC.BlipFill(
new A.Blip(
new A.BlipExtensionList(
new A.BlipExtension()
Uri =
Embed = relationshipId,
CompressionState =
new A.Stretch(
new A.FillRectangle() { })),
new PIC.ShapeProperties(
new A.Transform2D(
new A.Offset() { X = 1000L, Y = 500L, },
new A.Extents() { Cx = defX * size, Cy = defY * size }),
new A.PresetGeometry(
new A.AdjustValueList()
) { Preset = A.ShapeTypeValues.Rectangle }))
) { Uri = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/picture" })
DistanceFromTop = (UInt32Value)999999,
DistanceFromBottom = (UInt32Value)10000,
DistanceFromLeft = (UInt32Value)10000,
DistanceFromRight = (UInt32Value)10000,
EditId = "50D07946"
// Append the reference to body, the element should be in a Run.
wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.AppendChild(new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Paragraph(new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Run(element)));
謝謝!你真了不起! –
不客氣:) –